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I have no idea how many of you if any, will remember the TV series, "6 ft. under": about an L.A. dysfunctional, undertaker's family? A mother, her daughter and two sons?

The music which accompanied the opening of each show, suddenly today from out of nowhere came to mind.

A solo oboe would sound, which was then punctuated with a rapid upward rush of staccato of the strings: this passage was repeated throughout the introductory credits for each show.

I was wondering if any one knew for certain, if this was an original score wirtten specifically for that series, or was it derived from another source. Or perhaps the name of the composer?

Do any of you know which of the above is correct, and whether or not a CD of it was ever issued?



2007-12-28 16:34:43 · 1 answers · asked by Alberich 7 in Entertainment & Music Music Classical

"CEEWILL": Thank you very much. I just couldn't get that haunting theme out of my head; and I've never heard of that composer before: nice to know about him. Would have E-mailed you my thanks, but have had some very dis-tasteful encounters recently with some users, and had to delete my E-mail contacting facility. Hope you check back on this question, in order to read this add-on.

Again, many, many thanks; very much appreciate your most enlightening response.


2007-12-29 04:04:57 · update #1

"CEEWILL": Thank you very much. I just couldn't get that haunting theme out of my head; and I've never heard of that composer before: nice to know about him. Would have E-mailed you my thanks, but have had some very dis-tasteful encounters recently with some users, and had to delete my E-mail contacting facility. Hope you check back on this question, in order to read this add-on.

Again, many, many thanks; very much appreciate your most enlightening response.


2007-12-29 04:06:05 · update #2

1 answers

Hi Alberich (I like the new name!),

The theme was written by Thomas Newman specifically for the show and you can listen to it (and buy it) here http://www.amazon.com/Six-Feet-Under-Original-Soundtrack/dp/B00005Y1YA and maybe here (I couldn't but you may have the right software) http://www.hbo.com/sixfeetunder/credits/index.shtml Newman also scored 'American Beauty'.

Happy New Year :)

Edit: Wow, he's very talented and prolific - see the following http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Newman

2007-12-28 19:15:25 · answer #1 · answered by ceewill 3 · 3 0