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2 answers

You dry the starfish COMPLETELY out. When I was a kid we dried them in the sun, but sometimes they didn't get completely dry and soon they began to stink. If I were doing it today I would dry it out in the sun to start with then I would finish drying it in the oven on low for several hours.

As a side note, I now believe it is wrong to take starfish off the beach, especially if there are not many starfish on the beach they are to be taken from.

2007-12-28 14:53:33 · answer #1 · answered by Sarah B 2 · 0 0

In most places it is now illegal to take live starfish from the beach. If you happen to find one that is way above the tide line and obviously dead in an area where it's okay to remove them take it home and put it in weak bleach water for a few minutes and then let it sun dry. It will smell quite a bit until it is thoroughly dried out inside. Once it is thoroughly dried you can leave it in it's natural state or spray it with a clear lacquer... several coats ... with dry time between coats...
Elmer's glue can be a problem....uneven... doesn't dry properly... I'd steer clear of "finish." A can of clear spray lacquer will cost no more than $4.50... and will do a lot of starfish or other projects.

2007-12-29 19:39:34 · answer #2 · answered by singlegal 7 · 0 0