My number one priority would be to weaken corporations' power as much as possible and to strengthen labor unions as much as possible. Ultimately, I would want to nationalize all companies with either a capitalization of over $5 million or more than 10 employees.
I would fight to eliminate the idea of corporate "persons" in law and hold management and majority stockholders responsible for corporate lawbreaking.
I would fight for a constitutional amendment to guarantee complete equality for women.
I would fight to reclassify all voluntary sexual activity between consenting adults as legally protected behavior.
I would try to implement a policy of free abortions on demand.
I would introduce legislation to make ALL types of police or judicial misconduct capital crimes.
I would fight to eliminate probation, parole OR banning former prisoners from any rights. You should serve your full sentence. If you are free, you should have *ALL* rights restored. If you are still dangerous, you should still be in jail.
I would fight to eliminate executions for all crimes EXCEPT violations of labor protection laws or misconduct by law enforcement.
I would fight to eliminate all restrictions for firearms ownership for anyone over 18 who is not under psychiatric treatment or actually in prison.
I would ignore all regulations regarding citizens vs. non-citizens. There would be no such thing as an "illegal" person.
I would try to get shooting a scab, a Nazi or KKK member, or an anti-abortion demonstrator, reclassified from murder to a misdemeanor such as "recklessly discharging a firearm within city limits" or "disorderly conduct."
I would fight for a constitutional amendment to abolish the Senate and the electoral college. All political powers should be apportioned strictly by population and workplace, not by state.
I would classify drug or illegal production of alcohol offenses as the lowest priority for law enforcement, as a precoursor to complete legalization. The same with gambling and prostitution.
I would try to get a constitutional amendment to replace the House of Representatives with elected councils of workers based on workplaces.
I would declare a financial emergency and confiscate the wealth of the top 200 familes who own and operate USA, Inc. Half of these funds would be immediately earmarked for use in energy research, spaceflight development, and medical research, and rebuilding roads, bridges, canals, and airports.
I would declare health care, housing and jobs to be rights, and try to get them added to the Bill of Rights.
I would cut the military budget by 80%. Priority on spending the remaining 20% would be given to taking care of the rank-and-file military and veterans. The cut funds would be redirected towards health care, infrastructure redevelopment and education.
I would establish a civilian militia, based on labor unions, tenants groups, and parent-teacher alliances to fight the counter-revolution that would try to overthrow my legally-elected administration.
Foreign policy:
I would declare an immediate unilateral ceasefire in Iraq and Afghanistan and pull all troops back to the Kabul and Baghdad airports. Round-the-clock flights back to the U.S. would begin immediately afterwards until all troops were back home.
I would officially apologize to the people of those nations and offer as much assistance as possible in reconstructing the infrastructure of those nations that we destroyed.
I would phase out U.S. military presence in the over 110 nations around the world where there are bases, over a six month period.
I would immediately stop all foreign aid to all governments and international groups and seek out leftist political parties and give the aid to them instead.
I would ban any international trade that aided any nation or corporation in oppressing foreign workers.
I would announce that U.S. military forces would not be used anywhere where a DIRECT threat to our physical security was not proven OR a 2/3 majority of the local population did not ask for it in an internationally supervised referendum.
I would propose a "United Socialist States of Earth" and try to merge with any nation that agreed.
I would, of course, have to be affiliated with a mass leftist workers' movement, as well as carry weapons myself, otherwise I would be immediately assassinated.
I'd LOVE to have my epitaph read "He helped working people free themselves from corporate tyranny, and helped humanity reach out towards the stars."
2007-12-28 15:37:02
answer #1
answered by Dont Call Me Dude 7
1) put armed national guard on the southern border, with shoot to kill orders for anyone caught sneaking into the country. Land mines wouldn't hurt, either.
2) Drill everywhere possible for oil. Damn ANWAR. We're getting the energy.
3) Get the feds out of public housing, public schools, public medicine, public healthcare. These are states rights issues.
4) I'd get serious in Iraq and Afghanistan. No more pussyfooting around. If I had to, I'd use low-yield nuetron bombs. And if some ragheads are using a mosque as a base of combat, said mosque would be vaporized.
4) English as the national language.
5) No more anchor babies.
6) If you're receiving foodstamps, welfare, etc, by God you're going to be working SOME F-ING WHERE. Picking up litter at the side of the road, shoveling police horse poop, painting government building, you're going to contribute.
7) I'd build the southern border wall, from the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific Ocean. 40 feet tall if necessay.
8) I'd be ordering racial profiling for Muslims and Middle Easterners at sensitive areas like airports. No more frisking Swedish grandmothers.
9) I'd eliminate witholding federal taxes from paychecks, and force people to actually write a check every six months. That way they'd get a better idea of how much tax they're actually paying.
10) No right to vote for ex-felons.
11) I'd cap punitive damages in medical malpractice lawsuits to $1 million.
12) I'd enforce treason and sedition laws against groups like the ACLU during wartime.
2007-12-28 14:39:52
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Domestic Front: 1. STOP ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION. Build the entire fence across the border. 2. Institute a ban on Chinese goods for services such as agriculture, construction and government services. 3. Help people in lower income brackets by giving tax breaks to them. 4. Promote legislature providing health insurance for people that cannot afford it and lowering costs for middle class people. 5. STOP TAXING hard work. Tax the rich their share, and no more.
Foreign Front: 1. Strong military. Add 500,000 active duty troops to the Army. (No idea how, but that's what I'd do.) 2. Democracy. Spread it however possible without violating countries' sovereignty. 3. Stop relying on foreign money for wars. Pay our way and make sure we win. 4. Use our military in the best possible way, keeping terrorists on the run and allies close.
There's my ways to improve the country. Hope you agree.
2007-12-28 17:46:41
answer #3
answered by KungFuKricket 3
Tighten up the welfare system, tighten up the borders and do everything I could to stop independent insurance companies from existing and controlling the medical industry. Since it is illegal to outlaw a private company, I guess I would have to outlaw confusing rules/ contracts and bullying of paying and not paying for services rendered, to the point where they could cease to make money, and prices of overinflated medical procedures/visits are brought back to earth so that normal people can afford them.
(outraged at my $500 copay for my yearly mammogram) Why does a 3 second mammogram cost more than that anyway???????
As far as foreign policy, stay out of others' business as much as possible. The only issues that are the exception are those that concern humanity, such as global warming. Work with other countries to reduce and eliminate carbon dioxide waste.
2007-12-28 14:24:32
answer #4
answered by righton 3
FIRST...Make Congress work 5 days/40 hours a week minimum with only bank holidays of for the same or less pay they get now. MAYBE if they are stuck together that much, they will be motivated to get things done.
Second...I's apply the same rules to state legislatures....
than I'd take a nap.
2007-12-28 14:25:01
answer #5
answered by Oyaya 3
1. I would make abortion illegal
2. I would continue to send troops overseas, and for those of u who disagree, the reason why Bush sends them overseas is because if he didn't other countries would attack us... I hate it when people hate Bush just cause of that and other stupid reasons, he's a good president, democrats just brainwash people to think he's bad
3. I would visit tons of people and they would faint cause they love me sooooooo much!
4. I would do whatever I want! I would run all over the white house, sit down in my oval office, rest my feet on the desk, count my mula!
5. Be excited to be the first female prez
6. See ya at the white house, no wait, u probably won't be there, sorry!
7. And oh yeah, what they said, but I would make it so there was no welfare, although my bud is on it, oh well, I think people should get off their lazy butts and go work!
2007-12-28 14:24:41
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Of Course!!!! Bradipo for President! And Remember: If you want , You can. Have a nice evening! Kiss
2016-05-27 14:40:05
answer #7
answered by jeniffer 3
I would make Chuck Norris my Secretary of Defense. Chuck Norris never looses. I'd make the middle east a glass parking lot. Hollywood would get a pay cap like some pro atheletes. Congress would no longer have the ability to give themselves a raise. We would have a flat tax. Border patrol could shoot if needed, and imigration control would not be held back. Welfare would be put back to what it was originally intended, and taken out of the general budget. Beat Republicans over the head with a big black bible, and Democrats would be flogged with the web of lies they have spun. ENDA would be repealed, and we would again value common sense.
So needless to say I won't be Pres. anytime soon!
2007-12-28 14:22:08
answer #8
answered by flipperjat 2
I would:
* - Declare a state of national emergency.
* - Implement an executive order making it a crime to feed, clothe, house, employ, educate, or medicate an illegal alien, or the family members of an illegal alien
* - Elliminate all current taxes and tax deductions/ exemptions/ credit/etc.
* - Pass a new flat 10% tax that all pay on all income. Welfare recipients, giant corporations, churches, etc, would all pay. Everyone would pay the same 10% rate on all incomes/ profits regardles of source.
* - Re-regulate the airlines, and phone company.
* - Take over the phone company, and absorb all communications companies into the Federal Communications Commission which would provide service as well as regulate airwaves.
* - Outlaw petroleum based engines.
* - Let the oil companies buy part interest (less than 30%) in the FCC service compensate them for the lack of oil revenue.
* - Set up a prison colony on the moon, and ship all career criminals, all violent criminals, and all rebels, there for life.
* - Build AIDS colonies under the ice in Antactica, and house patients in comfort in a place where they can't spread the disease to others.
* - Nuke Saudi Arabia..thus ending most of Al-Quedas' support system.
* - Warn other nations that they will get what Saudi Arabia got if they support terrorists, or in any way attack us or our allies at any time.
* - Establish free online schools-from pre school to university level-for citizens.
* - Establish a National Gaming Commission, which operates casinos nationwide. The revenue from these would fund new Senior Care, Disabled Care, and other charitable operations.
* - Make all drugs legal to possess, and to use in controlled enviorons...home, or special sign in clinics.
* - Make mis-use of drugs-flying under the influence, etc-a death penalty offense.
* - Make identity theft a death penalty offense.
* - Make it easy for foreigners to come here legally.
* - Closely monitor foreign students, workers, etc.
* - Execute foreigners who overstay their visas
* - Make safety, education, employment, and security, priorities.
* - Be friendly towards those nations who want to be friendly towards us...helping them when they need help, and letting them run their own shows otherwise.
* - Let those nations who want to be unfriendly towards us know that they only live while we let them, so they had better behave themselves.
The most important thing would be that everyone would know where they stood with me, and what to expect from me. Those who do well will have well done to them. Those who do evil will have evil done to them.
2007-12-28 14:48:17
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I'll tell you the first thing I'd do. Fire my vice president and put in his place the guy I just beat running for president. I'd do like it like they used to do. This country needs to work together to solve problems, not learn how to be MORE partisan.
2007-12-28 14:17:31
answer #10
answered by IplayadoconTV 5
What would you think is the most important thing that you would wish to have identifed with your administration?
Make me look bad and you'll have to write a book, so if you dont like to write, get to work- and dont screw it up.
2007-12-28 15:20:31
answer #11
answered by paradigm_thinker 4