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10 points for sweetest baby name reference and funniest story!

2007-12-28 13:28:28 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Baby Names

13 answers

We could not agree to a name
We had a boys name within days
We were having a girl
The middle name will be Elizabeth, it was my mom's middle name
We could not fine a name that went with Elizabeth, and our last name, the last name is bad
We found the name Hayley
Hayley Elizabeth, it was before Hayley was so common

Funny story about the baby
When the baby was born, my sister ask how to spell the name, my husband and I, both answer the different spellings

2007-12-28 13:36:30 · answer #1 · answered by Halo Mom 7 · 1 2

When I was in 6th grade there was a boy who joined our class from Sweden named Erik. My grandparents came from there and that is when I knew I wanted to use the name Erik. My Erik is now 33 years old.

Sweetest baby story.....I had a friend who eventually had 11 kidis. They were fairly close in age. When the next to the youngest was around 3 1/2 years old and the youngest was 18 months old-- there was another baby on the way. People kept talking about the new baby. The 3 yr old was very sad concerning the new baby growing in her mommies tummy. No one knew why. Then my friend said.....why don't you want a new baby? The 3 yr old answered said......I like the old one we have. She thought that her baby sister was going to be replaced by the new baby. Cute huh!
She was relieved when she was told that her baby sister was not being replaced but there would be another baby added to the one they had already. Two months after that new baby was born, the now almost 4 yr. old little girl came walking down the hall, holding the new born under the arms and trying to make her walk like a rag doll saying "mommy this new baby don't walk so good"

2007-12-28 18:49:12 · answer #2 · answered by clcalifornia 7 · 0 0

For our second son we liked the names Benjamin and Matthew and just couldn't decide between them. With only about 2 weeks to go until he was due I was shopping and stopped by a teddy bear store which had a gorgeous plush Benjamin Bunny from the Peter Rabbit stories. That was when I made my mind up! I bought a little Benjamin Bunny and that was that, my gorgeous little Benny (now 14 months old) is our sweet little bunny!

Other inspiration has come from family - my boys have names of ancestors, which is important to me as I have traced my family tree and feel a strong connection to my heritage.

I really can't think of a funny story though, plenty of amusing minor incidents here with 2 little ones (our oldest just turned 2 recently) - life is always interesting! I did see something funny on TV last week though, a show called "The Worst Christmas Of My Life" (from the UK) - the dad took his baby shopping at a mall to give his wife a break and parked the stroller next to another stroller which was the same and of course took the wrong baby (tragic but funny as this guy is a hapless idiot) and the baby he took by mistake was dark-skinned of African origin and so the other couple took the white skinned baby. Can't imagine it happening but it was funny - he realised it when someone stopped to coo at the baby and he looked at it and proceeded to run around the shops looking for the other couple to change babies back!

2007-12-28 14:57:58 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I have six girls
Aleina and Esme are two sisters out of a film.
Sienna(not sure
Adriana,Alessandra and Kara ( identical triplets)are what I've always liked

Also I'm pregnant with identical twin girls who I want to have matching named so they are called hayden & Havana
Cutest baby story: when the triplets where born my husband bought them a Saint Bernard puppy (who is now a beautiful fully grown saint called amara ) and amara would always wait until Adriana was falling asleep then she would get into her carry cot and cuddle up and go to sleep and even know Adriana loves amara and they are still close now x

2014-08-18 15:45:44 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

All of our girls have an uncommon -- but real and properly-spelled -- name, not even in the top 1000, and a more familiar one (either first or middle), to give them options. Also, each has at least one Celtic name (reflective of our heritage and well-suited to our Mc- surname). ;)

And while we don't directly name "for" anyone, a few of their names were inspired by or associated with someone dear to us or another positive role model. A family friend, cousin, great-aunt, influential first lady, queen, etc. All wonderful, strong women for our girls to look up to.

I'm not sure what sort of funny baby stories you're looking for, but regarding the names, our oldest (now nearly 7, but 3 1/2 and five when her first two sisters were born) has suggested the likes of Twinkle (her favorite! LOL), Cinderella, Wanda and FRED -- yes, Fred LOL -- for her baby sisters. ;) Needless to say, we decided to go a different way. But it was still cute. LOL

2007-12-28 13:52:35 · answer #5 · answered by Irish Mommy 6 · 1 2

Sean Dean is 10 and was named after my dad John and his dads middle name is Dean.
James David is 7 and was named after an ex boyfriend that I lost and David after one of my uncles and one of James uncles from his dads side of the family.
#3 I don't talk about much and not online for sure.
#4 is on the way and if it's a boy is Parker Micheal after a name we like and my hubbies and my dads middle name. But if it's a girl it will either be Charley LuAnn, Parker Marie, or Camsey LuAnn Marie were not sure yet.

2007-12-28 14:41:14 · answer #6 · answered by H mom of 3 4 · 0 1

My husband and I get inspired by the time of year that the baby is born...

The first was due Christmas day, so it was gonna be Natalia (meaning born on Christmas) for a girl or Cristian for a boy. We had a boy.

This time around I am due in July and if it is a girl we are naming her Julia.

2007-12-28 13:36:27 · answer #7 · answered by sanibrasil0428 3 · 5 1

My daughter's name is Aubrie Brooke. My husband and I wanted Ella Brooke. (Aubrie was our second choice) When my Aunt found out that we decided on Ella she offered us $500 to name her Aubrie instead. We told her no $1000, thinking that she would NOT go for it because we wanted to go with our first pick. Well, to our surprise, she agreed! So, we talked it over and agreed we would name her Aubrie and use the money to start her a college fund! That was four years ago and I am thankful we named her Aubrie....I can't imagine calling her Ella!

PS...My Aunt ended up giving us $1200 when she found out what we were going to do with the money. She has also given Aubrie $100 each birthday to put in her college fund!!!

2007-12-28 13:37:56 · answer #8 · answered by momma_2_an_angel 4 · 2 1

My Aunt and uncle couldn't decide what to name their son. On the way to the hostpital, they stopped by a Jack-in-the-Box and ended up naming their son Jack

2007-12-28 16:42:08 · answer #9 · answered by Kate 3 · 0 0

This is not my personal story, but I do know of a woman who was diagnosed with cancer. She survived her treatment and named her baby Victory because she was born a year later.

A less serious story is about Linda and Mike.They placed a bet on a soccer game. If Linda won, they would name their daughter Chelsea. If Mike won, they would name their daughter Whittier.
Because Mike's team won, they named their daughter Whittier Danyelle.

Random story, but a funny way to name a child.

hope this helps.
good luck.
: )

2007-12-28 13:37:24 · answer #10 · answered by hopefully helpful 3 · 1 3