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Purchased a laptop from ebay for 250gbp, seller had good feedback but asked for money to be either paid in cash into account or through bank transfer. Payment was done with cash, but several hours later the seller was disclosed as a scammer who had scammed others in the past. He was taken off ebay but now am stuck with no laptop and minus 250gbp christmas money! Have the receipt and account details of what was paid in where is it possible to get the cash back? any ideas on how to salvage this one? Please I need some bright think ideas!

2007-12-28 12:11:29 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Business & Finance Personal Finance

5 answers

The best you can do is try to take him to small claims. Ebay is required to disclose to you what they know about the scam. They may have his information and/or the police criminal case number. You can call the police that took the report and learn what you need to know to add your information to the report and get the info to file a small claims case. It's likely you won't be able to collect. Most ebay scammers don't have any money when all is said and done, but if you act fast and are willing to make some phone calls and keep your investigation open, you might be one of the lucky ones. When this happened to me, I found a website dedicated to finding and prosecuting this particular scammer. You can start by googling the handle he was using on ebay. Chances are you aren't the only one that got scammed and you can team up with other victims. Good luck!

2007-12-28 12:25:11 · answer #1 · answered by bertha 3 · 0 0

You have no chance this time. Stop buying from Ebay in future. Stop sending cash/transfers. Start buying from big stores-in person, online, or by mail/phone-and use a credit card...American Express if you can. Until you can do that, stick to shopping at Target, and Wal-Mart. You tried to get an unfair advantage by getting an allegedly bargain priced item...because the seller needed the money fast to pay a medical bill, or such, I bet. By trying to screw the seller, you helped the seller to screw you. What they say is true..."you can't con an honest man". Take the lumps you deserve, and know better next time.

My bright idea: Learn from your mistakes.

2007-12-28 12:37:05 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The method of payment he asked for should of sent you running. Did you report him to ebay? Did you contact the police in his hometown and file internet fraud?

2007-12-28 23:28:00 · answer #3 · answered by KathyS 7 · 0 0

The ONLY way to 'get out of being scammed' is to recognize the scam BEFORE you lose the money.

2007-12-28 14:00:09 · answer #4 · answered by STEVEN F 7 · 0 0

Thanks for telling us about it. But I am afraid you did everything you are not supposed to do. So you are out of luck.

2007-12-28 12:20:11 · answer #5 · answered by Nancy 3 · 0 0

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