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Hello, I know this is probably a no brainer, but I received a free round trip to travel anywhere in the U.S. except Hawaii and Alaska, and I was thinking about going to see Las Vegas. I am 27 year old man and I will be going by myself. I plan on visiting for one week in the summer of 08'. I don't gamble, so I was wondering what else is there to do? and should I consider Los Angles, San Francisco, or Seattle etc..? Please Help Me!

2007-12-28 11:27:57 · 18 answers · asked by Talk About A Sticky Situation! 1 in Travel United States Las Vegas

18 answers

You will never be bored in Las Vegas. Not only is it affordable, and very luxurious but full of activities. You don't have to gamble or have a lot of money to have a great time.
Here is a list of free attractions
and also tips on how to get cheap hotels and more.

All I can say is Vegas Baby!!

2007-12-28 15:38:30 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Even if you don't gamble, there are tons of things to do in Vegas. Even just people-watching can be infinitely amusing, but there are also museums, theatrical events (from Blue Man Group to magic shows to music stars), sporting events, all of the architecture and sites just within walking distance on the Strip or downtown at the Fremont Street Experience. It's a fun place to go, alone or with someone.

But there are tons of other places to consider, as well. It depends on your interests. Disney (both FL & CA) has a lot to offer to people with a wide variety of tastes. Do you like the outdoors? Find a place with good fishing or hiking or waterskiing. Art/Theatre - New York is the place to be, but expensive (my personal dream vacation). When I was in San Francisco to visit a friend a few years ago, I spent several days walking throughout the city - the wharf, Chinatown, etc. and the bus system was very easy to navigate (easier than renting a car and searching for parking!). Texas can be fun, too - San Antonio, Austin, and Houston have some amazing attractions. History buff? Try any number of sites throughout the northeast tip of the country and you'll find battlefields, historical museums, colony town re-enactments, and more. Heck, even the fly-over states can be fun - I'm close to Kansas City and there are tons of things around here, depending on time of year and what you're into. Good luck!

2007-12-28 11:41:03 · answer #2 · answered by JayhawkAnne 2 · 0 1

Actually, that is a good choice. For one, you can visit the Grand Canyon from there via a helicopter ride. It's a day trip or you can stay over night at one of the lodges and firther explore the Grand Canyon. Visit the Dams in Nevada. The night life all revolves around the casinos, but the entertainment can be outstanding. If the Cirque de Soleil is performing, you are in for a treat. Most people just think about the Las Vegas Strip... but Downtown is happening. Excellebt food. Oh... the heat can be 110 in the summer, but it's a dry heat.

The other thing is... I would love, just love to see the Smithsonian in Washington. To see the Hope Diamond .... ahhh. WOW!

2007-12-28 11:36:44 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

If you have a car there is loads to do in my town. Try

www.lasvegasnow.com (you can take a vr trip on Strip)

There are museums, hiking and horseback riding at Red Rock or Mt Charleston, Lake Mead and Hoover Dam, day trips to the AZ side of Grand Canyon, movie theatres, bowling, churches, a few broadway plays, all the Cirque shows (5) on The Strip, loads of buffets and other great meal deals, etc.

I have been to LA, SF and Seattle and enjoyed them all. But LA is very crowded and you can only get around with a car. SF is nice but I found little to do. Seattle is okay but not much to do.

Just remember Vegas is in the middle of the Mohave desert so our summer temps are over 100, more like 115 during the day.

At your age, you probably would enjoy the dozens of night clubs that open around 10 in many casinos if you are prepared to pay the price.

Good luck.

2007-12-28 15:44:58 · answer #4 · answered by banananose_89117 7 · 1 0

GO TO VEGAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Even if you don't gamble, there are TONS of fun things!
Lion Habitat @ MGM Grand
Nature Walk at the Tropicana
Gondola Rides at Venetian
FAO Schawrz
Circus Circus
Board Walk
Fashion Show Mall
Fremont Street Experience
Billagio Fountains
Secret Garden and Dolphin Habitat (Mirage)
Exploding Volcano (Mirage)
Valley of the Waterfalls (Mandalay Bay)
Roller Coaster (outside New York New York)

Hope you have fun! Hope this helped!

2007-12-29 11:38:01 · answer #5 · answered by Bionacca Waters 3 · 0 0

Vegas in the summer is HOT!

There is nothing else to do but gamble and shop. The Hoover Dam and Lake Meade can be seen in an afternoon. The good shows are expensive.

San Fransisco or Seattle would be my choice. At least if you rent a car, you can drive through something other than desert.

I spent 5 days in Vegas and was bored to tears.

2007-12-28 11:34:09 · answer #6 · answered by GracieM 7 · 0 1

Vegas is great and you would probably have an ok time by yourself. It would be more fun with someone else along. I think you would feel that though in any of the places you might visit on your list. Good luck and wishes wherever you decide to go :)

They have the Bellagio fountain show, the free Sirens show at Treasure Island....and you would probably like downtown for the light show and the street carnival atmosphere. There is great dining and shopping.

2007-12-28 11:33:13 · answer #7 · answered by otisisstumpy 7 · 1 1

Vegas has excellent shows, shopping, clubbing and dining. But if you don't gamble, well, that's a big point of going as well. I live in San Francisco, and I think its one of the more beautiful cities in the country (and I've lived all over), and it has the wine country, nightlife, museums, outdoorsy stuff, clubs, great restaurants and all the touristy stuff you could ask for. But its all down to personal preferences and what appeals to you.

2007-12-28 11:36:21 · answer #8 · answered by klonnq 3 · 0 1

If you have never been to Vegas before, I would suggest you to go. It's so much fun so many things to do and see! And you will feel like to don't have enough time to do them all coz everyday you will find out more and more fun stuffs to do and see and eat and go, etc.... Pls go for your own good, you will fall in love with vegas even if you don't gamble. Try the buffets, go shopping, go see different kind of shows or rides. Go check out all nice Hotels on the strip, awww so much fun!!

2007-12-28 12:07:37 · answer #9 · answered by Lucy 3 · 1 1

I think it depends what else you like to do. Vegas is good for shopping, and of course the other things it is famous for. If you like to drink and hang by the pool, then Vegas is great for that too. If you like museums, famous spots or things like that I'd recommend New York, LA(Hollywood, Walk of Fame, etc) or SF (Alcatraz tour was cool!).

2007-12-28 11:33:00 · answer #10 · answered by miss a 2 · 0 0