It's fairly simple really,
Replace : "Divide and Rule" policy,
With : Live and Let live.
Superior: you are amazing my dear ?!
2007-12-28 13:11:41
answer #1
answered by iceman 7
First to superiortoyou13.
We The BRITISH never roll over!
As to the Question speaking as one from the international community.
A good start would be to start telling the world the truth and stop interfering with others, the rest of the world is not blind to the facts of the last 100 years nor the last 7.
The USA needs to do a lot of work before the other western countries will start believing in her again, If they ever do!
As to Hitler, He would have been nothing if it weren't for the USA!
So stop asking us to say thanks, the USA only came in to WW2 because if they had stayed out the USSR would have control all of continental Europe! and therefore would have been unstoppable!
2007-12-28 12:30:45
answer #2
answered by Sly Fox [King of Fools] 6
Since when does a leader take polls on who likes us and who thinks we are "Credible" enough?
Leaders .... like the worlds only current Superpower... should LEAD... not try and get everyone to like us... then figure out what to do next!
And since when has the whole world come together in approval of ANYTHING we do, or have done?
The day that happens... I will be crowned Pope of Rome!
2007-12-28 11:37:02
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Why should they? The "interntional community" does what exactly? The UN is filled with self serving deceivers who believe that whatever $$ they can get from the US for "humanitarian programs" should be funneled into their pockets!! their greed supercedes the needs of the "suffering",vaccines,other "aid" is additional profit when channeled to their black market middlemen ..
..What exactly does the EU do other than argue among themselves?? (and believe that the global warming religion will bring US $$$ to help them "save the world"
--China, North Korea ,Mirima, Malasia,Africa all operate in a world of their own with their own agenda..because the rest of the world is either viewed as irrelevent, a potential cash cow,or a compettitor/enemy tribe that needs to be eliminated.The rest of the world seeks to scam from others who need "help" or understand "quid pro quo"!
.. The mideast is awash with childish tribes fighting to establish their ruler/ideology on their neighbors; age old stupidty persists as the simple tactic is eliminate the "others, take their resources and proclaim themselves rulers as destined by "god" the only difference is that they no longer lust fror more sheep herds,they can kill many with bombs,and yet view each other as enemies..(they still trash their own neighborhood when they get "mad" (because they received an insult, xx was killed in retaliation, ....death and chaos reign
Why seek "credibility" with those who hate the guy down the street because he doest follow the same delusional mulla who has a differnet set of righteous "commands" from god. The US would be wasting their time since these folks cant get along with each other let alone "outsiders"
Perhaps the US should simply cut off the tap, send no food, aid, shrug when tsunamies,epidemic, famines happen and again REFUSE to lead (which means fund) a world global warming program that seeks $$ from others..Let the greedy folks work out who they can use next. Maybe the world will eradicate all the irrational humans who would kill to gain THEIR goal,(power,greed,,their personal ideology of a perfect world,or their instructions from "god" (who somehow lost the all powerful mantra and now needs humans to kill the bad guys, evil ones/unbelievers, ..).
OR ..maybe the US should just keep trying to stop the squabbling,eliminate the corrupt,the delusional,power hungry despots,try to convince those brutalized by their governments that they can live withour repression and abuse IF they act to help themselves (rather than squabble that their neighbor eats strange food, wears strange clothes and believes in a different diety ),keep trying to get food to the hungry,medicines to the sick,aid to those trapped or devestated by mother nature...The only other alternative is to join the ranks of the rest of the arrogant haughtyl leaders /elitists who believe that their personal vision/ideology is the Only perfect plan...that the masses will can be placated with managed "care (rule from above)..etc
I prefer trying to get others to seek/install governments that nuture their population rather than resort to the age old solution...kill those causing trouble or who insist on killing others simply to impose their values/rule/religion and steal their "stuff".
...Guess we should be glad the US is a benevolent power with no desire to conquer;A power that values life...wants to believe that most everyone would like to live to see their grandkids..grow and thrive...
Prefers to carry both arrows and an olive branch rather than a war eagle that swoops in whenever and where ever it wants
Believes that fpeople free from oppression and fear always thrive and contribute great ideas/innovations that benefit all who share the planet.
2007-12-28 13:53:06
answer #4
answered by ymicgee 3
Using it's power in an policy responsible way for both internal and external affairs.
2007-12-28 11:24:22
answer #5
answered by Jacob 2
The USA has so many problems and so few to fix them and even if America can fix them who is going to believe it.
2007-12-28 12:39:11
answer #6
answered by colin b 4
Admit mistakes and return to a course that is credible.
2007-12-28 11:32:32
answer #7
answered by BekindtoAnimals22 7
I dont think it needs to gain creditability. Most other nations a already invious
2007-12-28 11:25:45
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
By trading with it fairly and pulling the guns out of their faces, and knives out of their backs.
2007-12-28 11:24:30
answer #9
answered by Mark 3
I am with N. Cognito....... we need to mind our own buisness............. George Washington was a smart man.................... not so with another George
2007-12-28 11:41:15
answer #10
answered by Anonymous