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What should we do about societies such as the one in Pakistan and so many other nations? seems like we ignore the problem the radicals take over, gain nuke weapons and most likely use them on everyone they do not like.I grieve for the many peace loving people of such nations, ruled by the few that are armed and use terrorism to promote their brand of Islam.It makes me sick to hear our presidential candidates rip this administration for Bhuttos murder, seems Bush and Co. are doing the best they can to address a region in chaos, seems no one can fix this problem...but what about islamic radicals obtaining nuke weapons? they use them and all other problems pale in comparison.Poor Bennazar Bhutto, she like so many other women in other cultures are just striving for equal rights or just basic human rights and your small in number islamofascist supress and murder any woman/cattle that dare to rise up.Are we morally obligated to intervene in behalf of the oppressed, gays, women ect?

2007-12-28 06:49:48 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Government

Yes, lets blame Bush for EVERYTHING.....blah,blah ,blah, if and when the dems takeover the whitehouse what makes you think this issue will go away? it is ridiculous to blame Bush for this.....do your homework and you will find clinton gave billions to Pakistan...like I said a complex problem not easily solved so why not cut the partisan politics crap and get onboard.As to nukes letting Iran or anyone else develop nukes is what the west is striving to prevent, nuclear proliferation get it? God willing all nations will destroy their arsenals, but you see some of the more simple responses here....."uh you got em why cant they" brilliant...very intelligent, good thing simpletons like you are not running the country, God bless president Bush and preident Sarkozy for staning up to evil, we are not perfect but a hell of a lot better in regards to human rights then most nations.I hope that peaceful muslims rise up and defeat the radicals.

2007-12-28 10:26:17 · update #1

xxxHyugaxxx thank you for your insight, so much the media does not promote..the goodness of people.Not much mention of the majority of muslim scholars denouncing radicals a few months ago! they issued a statement to the vatican and all other major religions...what is with CNN? they suck!

2007-12-28 10:29:43 · update #2

6 answers

Well it's not so simple as you describe it.

Bhutto came into a bad situation and probably made it worse. She was very interested in redeeming her own tarnished reputation, but I don't think this was a wise move at this point in time for her or for her country.

It's not so simple. You are casting the world in black and white like Bush does, and this is simply not the case in Pakistan right now.

Complex issues require very careful thought and study.

And no terrorist is going to get a nuclear bomb. They are delicate, require enormous maintenance, and no, you can't fit one in a suitcase.

The real concern is a regional nuclear war.

Pakistan should never have been permitted to have a nuke. This is the insane "good nuke, bad nuke" policy, which believes that some nations can be trusted and some can't.

Well obviously things change inside countries all the time and then where are we?

2007-12-28 07:10:00 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

you see , everyone is talking about islamic radicals gaining nukes. thats not true. if civil war does erupt, the current government and army of pakistan, can win that war and defeat the islamofascists. i have a lot of paki friends who traveled to pakistan and told me that the majority of the public are willing to join the ranks of the army if there is a civil war with the radicals. the radicals are not strong enough to win a civil war with the moderates.

2007-12-28 07:01:33 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The support the terrorists have in Pakistan will provide a base from which they will try to drag the country into civil conflict. Ms. Bhutto may be only the beginning of an escalation of the violence that has plagued Pakistan for some time now. I agree wit the earlier post; Mr. Bush and his inner circle have a lot to answer for.

2007-12-28 06:59:42 · answer #3 · answered by Seán O 5 · 0 3

It doesn't matter if we're morally obliged to intervene. What matters is whether our country is ready to intervene. And it would not be a good idea to get very involved in the Pakistan situation right now because the U.S. has enough problems right now.

2007-12-28 08:29:13 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Imagine if the fervor, riots and effort that followed her death were directed at the psycho militants that permeate their society instead of just random anger and destruction.
The radical Islamic terrorists will have won when the people who strive for peace and equality stand down.
Albert Einstein said it best:
"The world is a dangerous place, not because of people who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing."

Not just us, but the whole world is obligated to stand up to these demented thugs.

2007-12-28 07:09:31 · answer #5 · answered by LeAnne 7 · 0 2

true, she is the first and last moderate muslim woman leader. I have so pain

2007-12-28 06:55:12 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0