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im from elsalvador(my dad from trinidad) but i never learned how to dance reggaeton for all u latin girls out there who love to dance reggaeton in the clubs and stuff but you taught your selves, how did u do it? and do u have any tips??

2007-12-28 04:48:08 · 4 answers · asked by ♥salina♥ 1 in Arts & Humanities Dancing

4 answers

Dancing reggaeton is easy as long as you can move your hips and butt, lol. Just move with the rhythm of the beat naturally. Its like dancing to hiphop only with more hip & latin movements. Usually people dance Perreo to reggaeton. Which means Doggy Style & thats basically what it is. Its kinda nasty tho. Alot of reggaeton dancing is very sexual so be careful how u do it.




2007-12-31 07:49:18 · answer #1 · answered by Bebe 6 · 1 1

Hello Ms. Salvador:

Dancing reggaeton is really easy. Ready?
Stand up and now begin swinging your hips side to side, now add your upper torse like a wave, you can choose to bring your arms up a bit and used them with your bodies natural flow. Make sure that whatever movements you do feel natuaral. Step side to side in singles as if you were roller blading, now you can also do it in doubles.
You got it!
Some girls rub themselves against guys while dancing reggaeton and this is not dancing, this is wanting to have a cheap feel, so please don't go there.

Happy dancing!

Milly "La Salsera Sensual"
Chicago's Latin Entertainment

2007-12-28 13:08:34 · answer #2 · answered by milly_la_salsera_sensual 1 · 5 1

I love listening and dancing reggaeton, but sometimes it gets boring. Just listen to the music and flow with it. Mueve las caderas muchacha!!!! muevelo muevelo

2007-12-28 13:54:31 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

solo dejate llevar por la musica!... y ve videos de reggeton y bailalo asi pero no tan exagerado...
espero que entiendas español jeje

2007-12-28 12:53:31 · answer #4 · answered by cariana 3 · 10 1