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I am helping my 23 year old daughter research visiting Jamaica. She and some friends leave Dec. 31 for a week-long visit. None of them have ever been to Jamaica. We've done some research on line and in some tour books, but would really like some first-hand advice from people who have been there. If you've been to Jamaica and have some advice and tips to offer, we'd appreciate it. Things like "I wish I knew______before I visited Jamaica." or "If I ever visit Jamaica again, I'll be sure to ______." They will be staying in Negril so anything specific about that town would be helpful as well as general info about Jamaica. Thanks!

2007-12-28 04:45:38 · 11 answers · asked by sevenofus 7 in Travel Caribbean Jamaica

11 answers

Don't listen to many postings here as some are simply not true. Marijuana is NOT legal just prevalent. Jamaica is a lot of fun and Negril is a blast. Overall, Jamaicans are friendly people and if you are cool with them, they will be cool with you. Things can be expensive in tourist areas. There are little road side stands in Negril that will sell drinks for WAY cheaper than a hotel or bar on the beach. That's a good way to meet up with some locals as well. Also, there are street vendors who dish out some nice stew for a cheap midnight snack. Taxis can be really expensive for tourists but if she staying local in Negril it's not too much to run up and down the street to get from one party to the next in the evening.

I went for the first time when I was about your daughters age and I had such a great time, I've been back many times over the past 10 years. I went a few times by myself, a few times with friends and the past 8 years or so, I have been taking my son. I usually stay in Negril for a few days when I go, and travel to some other spots as well. Negril is very safe, I've never felt intimidated or uneasy while in Negril. The beaches are beautiful and there is nice reggae music pretty much every night in Negril. Given her age, she will most likely enjoy The Jungle night club. I don't really care for it that much, as I tend to lean towards the outdoor sound system dances for a nice night out. She may want to go to one if there is one in Negril when she is there. Most likely there will be since she will be there for New Years holiday. If they are into reggae and respect Bob Marley, they most definitely will want to spend a day and travel to his birth place in Nine Miles. It's a long drive, but really pretty and if she's into it, a spiritual journey as well. I am also arriving Dec. 31st and I can't wait. Don't worry mom, she'll be fine and most likely she will be dragging you back there this summer!

2007-12-29 04:01:51 · answer #1 · answered by MO 4 · 1 0

I went to Ocho Rios, Jamaica when I was 23. It was one of the best trips I have ever taken. The people are really friendly. The bus ride from the airport is an experience, they really drive crazy but it is fun. The Island is beautiful. There are so many things to do. Most things are very inexpensive. Your daughter may be asked if she wants to buy some smoke, but I was told they dont ask the women. We were there 10 days and I was asked many times but my wife was never approached. They were never pushy or threatening. If she gets a chance take the Dunn's river falls tour. We took a "booze cruise" there and it was great. You climb the falls from the bootom to the top. The food is excellent and the drinks are as well. If you venture out of your resort on your own they suggest you do it during the day. I though it was a great place and so did my wife. Also we know several other couples that have been and they have all had similar experiences. I hope this helped.

2007-12-28 05:47:23 · answer #2 · answered by dh 2 · 1 0

Traveling To Jamaica Tips

2016-11-01 14:19:13 · answer #3 · answered by nichols 4 · 0 0

Planning a successful, memorable, and fun wedding is much easier with a multistep plan to get you through the process. In the beginning planning phase gather some friends and family together and have a "planning party" or luncheon. Ask these trusted people for advice and help while letting them know what your dream wedding and goals are... 1. Make a "to do" list. Write down everything you can think of and leave space for extra. Let people chime in and jot down notes. 2. Write out a timeline. Give yourself plenty of time to do fittings, etc. Ask for advice from people who have been married for ideas. Remember to give yourself extra time for the unexpected. 3. Designate someone as your "blow off" person. No, you aren't going to give them the cold shoulder, this is the person you'll talk to when you get too stressed. This person could be a Mom or a friend who can't be a bride's maid. 4. Designate bridesmaids and see what everyone wants to help with. Choose responsible people. Even if you don't pick bridesmaids early on start thinking about it in the initial stages. 5. Use the party to discuss budgeting ideas. Come up with three budget levels for the wedding and write budgets for each after you have some ideas but use the "planning party" phase to get advice on current costs. Discuss the budgets you have lined out with your significant other or parents (if they are paying) and choose one that best suits your needs and goals. After you have these basic steps completed there's only two things to really keep in mind until the big day. 1. Stick to the Budget! Yeah those lilies look great but can you afford another $2000? Fudging a little won't hurt but try to stay within $100 of anything on your list. This will save you a lot of stress, shoppers guilt, and problems later on. If budgeting is hard for you take a responsible friend or family member who can rein you in. 2. Relax and be Flexible! It's likely something will go astray somewhere. Big or small the key is to take a deep breath and call your blow off person for advice and to vent. Don't sweat the small stuff! The more you worry, the less fun your big day will be.

2016-03-16 08:17:32 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'm a true Jamaica lover. After five visits, I've only just begun to discover the beauty of the island and its people. Negril has a reputation for being more laid back and more of a party place than other areas, but your daughter will enjoy the miles of beautiful beaches. My one piece of advice, as a mother, would be to ask her not to cliff dive, just as a precaution. Remind her to be careful if she chooses to rent a moped since Jamaicans drive on the left side of the road. Pack plenty of sunscreen. "If I ever visit Jamaica again, I'll be sure to" savor every golden moment, eat all the wonderful local food, take more photos, and spend time with my friends I've made there." It's my favorite place on planet Earth. I wish your daughter a wonderful trip.

2007-12-30 01:08:33 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

She will love Negril, I've been there twice and have had the most wonderful time. Yes, they do have pot there but that is a individual choice.If your daughter and friends are in a resort she'll enjoy great hospitality and great jamaican cuisine. I suggest all of the resort tour trips. They are safe and she get a look of the countryside. Also I would suggest that if the girls catch a cab, stay together. Once again someone said they have a lot of sex there... that's a personal choice,and there are a lot of travelers who might be there for that reason. Your daughter is 23 and I'm quite sure she will use her better judgement.
NO PROBLEM...HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

2007-12-28 08:11:18 · answer #6 · answered by Robert R 1 · 2 0

honey and noble8folds seem to have never been to jamaica. They must have bad blood towards jamaica and are trying to mock us or something..it's not working..

1) Marijuana is ILLEGAL..and if people do choose to smoke it..it is NOT LACED! Purely NATURAL!!!

2) We do not have wild sex in public..?? WHAT??

3) We DO SHAKE HANDS..I do it rather OFTEN!

4) I LOVE to sit down and eat..and I DO IT RATHER OFTEN..If I stand up and it..it must be b/c there are no seats..or i'm just waiting on someone..or i'm on the go!

I just am so peeved at those two! How could such BLATANT LIES be told. Maybe if they said CRIME..but freakin stupid things like eating and shaking hands??

Jamaica is a nice, wonderful, busiful, rude, partying, relaxed, crimed, all kinds of things society. It is no perfect! vendors are very pushy..and not everyplace looks like paradise..

But it's important to embrace the people, culture, and place for what it really is! Not what you see on tv. People enjoy jamaica when they are really laid back, enjoying life, go with the flow..type of people. Not uptight..complaining types..

2007-12-31 05:29:48 · answer #7 · answered by The Goddess 4 · 1 1

My wife and I have been to Negril 3 times and absolutely love it. We always stay in bluecavecastle.com as it's SUPER reasonable and a great spot in the cliffs. Some people are turned off by the sales tactics of the locals, but that's their industry and once you realize they are nice and most won't pressure you too hard if you just say no, you'll get along fine. Make sure you go up to 3 Dives up in the cliffs for some lobster or jerk chicken and tell Lloydie and Paula hello for us.

2007-12-30 13:58:23 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I am from Montego bay, Jamaica so it takes a real Jamaican to tell you the truth about Jamaica so do not listen to nobel8fo... and honey, clearly they do not have any experience about jamaica. we are civilised people and we will shake your hands and we sit and eat our food. we are humans like anybody else and we have sex behind close doors like any body else.
You will have a wonderful time when you go there, so you can do your research now that Jamaica is the most frequent caribbean travel destination, must be something good about us eh?
Negril have beautiful beaches, great food and people nothing to worry about because actually the locals WILL look out for you. They respect tourists as well as themselves. i can wait to go back !!♥
Dont let other people negative experiences influences yours.

2007-12-28 11:43:21 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

Stick to the populated areas. A lot of crime there. Marijuana is legal and plentiful but many people spike there stash so if your daughter partakes in the herb she may be getting more than she thinks she's getting. I enjoyed my trip but would not go again and when my daughter was 23 I would have panicked if she told me she was going there with friends for a week. There's probably more sex going on there than in a nevada brothel. Very uninhibited and partying people. Not knocking that just pointing that out.

2007-12-28 04:57:36 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 5