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I really don't understand why this man is your president? In the UK most politicians have studied politics and have a fairly good education to start with, but this buffoon [1] I see regularly making a fool of himself while representing the people of America seems never to have clue about anything he is talking about. What are the basic job requirements to be the president of the USA or are they just "talking heads" for other decision makers behind the scenes?

[1] 1. a person who amuses others by tricks, jokes, odd gestures and postures, etc.

PS: I do not claim UK politicians are perfect but they do seem to have at least studied most subjects before commenting on them in public ;-)

2007-12-28 02:16:31 · 39 answers · asked by Your Own Personal Jesus 3 in Politics & Government Elections

39 answers

We are sorry that we don't have people that are just born into power (Ted Kennedy notwithstanding) for life. You are calling Bush a buffoon, and you have Prince Charles as your future leader for life?

2007-12-28 03:12:47 · answer #1 · answered by LC 5 · 3 1

Electoral College and 9/11- We elect people to vote for us(?) Sounds confusing? Back in the pony days. It was almost impossible for the people to go to the polling places, so we ask a Representative (Electoral College) to represent a group of people. The number of Representatives depends on the population of the place. For example, Hawaii and Rhode Island are small states that each have two electorals. Hawaii has a population of around 1.5 million, and Rhode Island has 1 Million. Each has two votes in the College, but the other is a little "bigger." Today because we can virtually vote anywhere in the world, the Electoral College can be replaced by the Popular Vote. In the 2000 election Gore actually won the Popular vote, but lost the Electoral College vote. Because of the rule Bush won the 2000 election. We should be sour, but he still won on the 2004 election, and that we can blame on 9/11. We can virtually blame any misfortune on 9/11.

2007-12-28 02:44:29 · answer #2 · answered by teajohnsf 3 · 1 3

In the US we do not have all the confiscatory taxes you do. We do not have waiting lines for health care. We do not set restrictions on who can recieve immediate care. Any person who is sick can go to any public hospital and cannot as a point of law be refused medical care for reasons such as they are a smoker or overweight.
You have been hit by terrorists once since 9/11 and would have been twice had the perps been smarter because of your lax security measures with muslims. We have not had a group of our drs indicted for being terrorists. We do not pay nearly as much as you do for gas cigarettes or taxes.
None of our politicians were involved in accepting money in Saddam's oil for food program or to help try to sway the country against action against him.
So for these reasons and many more I will not accept advice from anyone from the UK. Until you figure out how to straighten out your mess it's not for you to advise others.

2007-12-28 02:27:53 · answer #3 · answered by Brandon A 5 · 5 1

Honey, you have lots of good company, many Americans don't know why he is president either! But seriously, you have to go back to the first presidential election when he was up against Al Gore. Don't you remember what happened? It was absolutely the worst thing that ever happened to this country--the election was "close" with God in the lead, until it got to the state of Florida, where George Bush's brother, Jeb, just happened to be Governor (no accident there). That's when everything changed; hanging chads, etc. took place. What was all of that? Corruption.

Given how we Americans feel about elections, democracy, freedom and our participation in all of it, it was devastating to those who fully understood what happened, I was one of them. Honestly, I didn't think I'd live to see the day when the U.S. had something like that happen in any presidential election.

The other thing that happened was Bush said he was a Christian because he knew full well that the Bible Belt in the south would support him (or anyone proclaiming to be Christian--true or not). One pastor in the south even threw out parisioners who didn't vote for Bush!

This time around, let's hope some of the Americans who were hootwinked into thinking this guy was so good will wise up and really look at the candidate.

Point blank, not only was Bush a total idiot, he was one of the most corrupt presidents we've seen. Pretty bad stuff.

2007-12-28 02:28:40 · answer #4 · answered by MadforMAC 7 · 1 6

Abe Lincoln said that you could fool some of the people some of the time...and this is exactly what happened with George Bush. Bush was put up as a stooge for the interests of trans-national corporations, particularly the Oil Mafia. To put this loser across the Republican party enlisted the ditto-heads of the Jesus freak right, promising them to stuff the Supreme court with enough ditto-head clones to overturn abortion rights, instigate 'religious school choice' on the taxpayers dime and put the 'gays' back in the closet. 'Swift-boating' the 'other guy' and the combined efforts of the GOP's Ministry of Propaganda, the right wing radio talk show morons and FOX 'News', enough folks were fooled into voting against their own self-interest and for the interests of corporations and the already well off. The movers and shakers of the current GOP, reactionaries to a man, are neither dumb or uninformed. They're masters of disinformation, misdirection and the fine art of the monster fib. They have the perfect 'strawman' enemy, the 'non-existant liberal'...their version of Emmanual Goldstein, the sworn enemy of Big Brother. What these people have forgotten is that in the end you have to show positive results. Because of their incompetence, their willingness to believe their own propaganda and their Ex-Lax touch they've accomplished nothing except to stir the political pot and screw the national pooch. Who knows, these guys may even pull it off one more time. If they do you can kiss the American republic adios....we'll be 'Brazil'....won't that be fun?

2007-12-28 03:43:45 · answer #5 · answered by Noah H 7 · 1 4

bush i'm no longer asserting the different a million cuz he no longer think to be it and that i observed a video on ideas of menica of him sticking his middle finger up and that comparable video on an internet site yet i forgot what it grow to be referred to as

2016-11-25 22:30:33 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I love that the people who are bashing Bush on here have several spelling and grammatical errors.

He is the president because we elected him. No one is perfect...he was the best choice at the time. Next year we will pick someone else and see how they do. Bush is educated by the way....he went to Harvard. What college did you attend?

2007-12-28 02:24:28 · answer #7 · answered by Holly 7 · 8 2

He was elected twice-It is what we do in America .We, the people, choose our leaders through elections and then live with the decision that was made until the next election.

2007-12-28 02:31:26 · answer #8 · answered by Country girl 7 · 5 0

Bush is president because of the electoral college that our countrys founding fathers put in place. In my opinion the electoral college votes need to be redistributed to fit todays population numbers in the appropriate states. However I don't ever see that happening. Its politics and if you know how to work the system you can get elected to anything just about. Further, I voted for Bush and would do so again. Like someone else said, I think history will view Bush far differently than he is viewed now. Reagan was very unpopular while in office and is now viewed as one of the greatest presidents we ever had. Who knows what will come out in 20 years and then maybe we will see the reasoning behind Bush's decisions. Either way he won two terms in office so he can't be doing that bad of a job.

2007-12-28 02:24:29 · answer #9 · answered by jj48bv25 4 · 4 6

We have elections and at the time of the elections he was elected president.
It is possible history will see Bush differently then he is currently viewed. Regan was very unpopular while he was in office as well.
I personally like that Bush doesn't rule by polls, and the man did granduate from Harvard.

2007-12-28 02:23:52 · answer #10 · answered by G-gal 6 · 8 2

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