I agree with alot of answers on here :) I am a paranormal investigator and this activity has happened on a few of our cases and all were debunked due to animals, the house settling, nature such as wind etc. before approaching it as paranormal there are endless possibilities to what it could be:)(Is there windows in the attic , lose floor boards, drafts etc.?) how long has this been been going on i am wondering?But if you would like alternative ways to approach what ever you may think is in the attic please email me personally at Ryan@theprosonline.com ~
i can answer some of your questions if you want and give you some advice :)
Ryan ~Paranormal Investigator/Researcher~
Opps i forgot to say E.V.P. is another way of communicating with spirits ..... here is the list of E.V.P. questions we tend to use most of the time , we sometimes ask more but heres some basic :
*TO Do an E.V.P. Session or recording session 101*
----Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP): An EVP is the attempt to capture a ghost or spirits voice on audio recording tapes. Typically there is no voice heard to the people present at the recording but after playing back the tapes there are sometimes strange voice recordings.
what we do is explain what a recorder is
*Please speak loudly into the device with the red dot on it, it helps us hear your voice.*
- we usually record for like 15 - 20 mins. a session and give about 15- 40 secs in between each question we ask :)
It takes time for them to reply, their voice isn’t as quick as ours in replying.
Ask Questions with a digital recorder like :
1. Is any one here.
2. Is there any one who would like to make their presence known?
3. Can you give us a sign your here.
4. Can you give us a sign your here by making a noise or moving some thing.
5. What is your age or how old are you?
6. What year is it or do you know what year it is?
7. Can we help you?
8. Do you need help?
9. Are you lost?
10. Are you upset we’re here?
11. Would you like us to leave?
12. Are you upset the home owners are here.
13. Is this your home / business?
14. If you have any thing to say speak loudly into the tape recorder. (Explain what the tape recorder is).
15. We’re here to try and help you; we’re not here to harm you. Please let us know what we can do.
you can also bring a 3 mega pixel camera or lower usually the higher the mega pixel drowns out spirit formation and may cause Matrixes *which is what many people Misinterpret certain things in photos to be evidence of paranormal*
after you do that with the photos and E.V.P.s i have programs where i can analyze them for you :) you can email me privately again for this just attach them....
Ryan ~Paranormal Investigator/Researcher~
Ryan@theprosonline.com ~
2007-12-28 10:57:39
answer #1
answered by teamhuntingevidenceofparanormal 2
I belileve that real paranormal stuff can happen. But you have to think of it this way. You have no hard evidence that it is paranormal. Do some simple investigating and figure it out.
First clue that his may not be paranormal is the fact that you say you live in an apartment. To me this, means that connected to the same structure you are living in, is another family/couple/whatever. Duct work is capable of bouncing sound around to make it seem like it's coming from the attic when it could be coming from the aparment adjacent to you.
What kind of heating/cooling system do you have? Radiators make some strange noises when they come on, or while they are on. Are there trees of any sort hanging above your apartment? when acorn drop, they roll down roofs and can make that sound like a ball rolling across the floor.
It's OK to be a believer in the paranormal, but also understand that it's very rare, and overactive imaginations can embelish what's being heard. Go up there and take a look around. Use a bit of commone sense first. Ask yourself "what else could possible make these noises?" and look for those. If you don't find any physical, structural answrs to that question, you may have some paranormal stuff happening up there.
2007-12-28 07:37:38
answer #2
answered by Sean C 5
Maybe it stays up there because you haven't invited it downstairs. Invite it to dinner, to watch a ballgame, play chckers and so on. Or, go up there with a can of Pledge furniture polish and one of those electronic fly swatters. Flush him out with the Pledge and then zap him.
There's all sorts of explainations for noises. Houses settle, resulting in popping and snapping sounds. Critters such as squirells, coons or possums love to get into attics and it's amazing how small of a hole a coon can squeeze through. Furnace ducts can pop as they heat up or cool down. After the sun goes down in the summertime, I can expect a loud crack in the northwest corner of the house. I know it's something cooling off and contracting after having the hot sun beating down on that side. Tree limbs can rub against the house or roof.
Were I you, the next time you hear a noise, grab the flashlight and go see what's going on. No matter what you do or don't find, at least it will put an end to the wondering.
2007-12-28 03:40:47
answer #3
answered by bikinkawboy 7
how do you know this is paranormal? there is an explanation for everything you just mentioned especially if you live in a apartment complex I am not trying to be rude.And I can tell that this is bothering you are you asking for help with this or just others opinions? I would need alot more info before I could give you a honest opinion about it but you must first rule out anything non paranormal that could cause these things OK There is alot of good advice given in the answer to your question if I can be of service to you please feel free to email me most of us in this field can get you help no matter where you are if you seek it
2007-12-29 01:53:38
answer #4
answered by Ron F 4
Spirits can do many things out of the attic. But, in the attic, they are all by themselves, and know that no one is going to barg in.
It's almost like their room, and only theirs. People also say that if you open the door to the attic that they will get mad and start to do things. They might manifests in some way. Like, turning on of the water, moving of objects and things like that.
2007-12-28 09:50:21
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Probably two people making out. That would explain the loud banging and mumbling.
2007-12-28 11:18:00
answer #6
answered by Arcanum Noctis 5
Deamons trying to scare you to Death? They wish to cause Fear.
Anyway this one house we were in.....the squirrels got in the attic........and you could imagine all the same thing like you are having.
You have to watch out too...bats, coons\, etc.
I would put out some kind of trap....then take the animal into the far NE forest.
2007-12-28 09:43:33
answer #7
answered by LandOfMisty 5
You can't say with any degree of certainty that it isn't an animal. As for your other question, it stays in the attic because you aren't there to disturb whatever it is. You think it's paranormal because you haven't witnessed anything yourself. I would wager if you're up there when these strange noises occur you'll find out it's not paranormal at all.
2007-12-28 03:41:56
answer #8
answered by Peter D 7
um..do you extremely think of Canadians care what the individuals think of. We did no longer choose Bush two times now did we.. ;) Moosehead beer. in basic terms in Canada eh? ;) Edit: Oh boy, shoulda ordinary. I particularly have MANY American pals who I appreciate very lots. i do no longer 'hate' nor 'dislike' my American cousins..and that i rejoice with it whilst a pal tries to get my goat. ;)
2016-10-09 07:34:46
answer #9
answered by ? 3
Sometimes paranormal activity centers around a location, sometime an individual, sometimes multiple locations. It seems like the entity or entities are continuing some everyday activities, unaware that they are no longer alive.
2007-12-28 02:14:53
answer #10
answered by Hushgirl 3