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I just can't understand why she wants to reign so long. Her mother gave up the throne when she was still young, so I don't understand why she won't allow Charles to finally be king.

2007-12-28 00:35:49 · 27 answers · asked by Ladyhawke 7 in Society & Culture Royalty

27 answers

Her mother never had the throne to give up. The line of succession went to Elizabeth when her father (the king) died. A ruling king or queen does not step down, they are there for life. The last time it happened was when Edward(?) gave up the throne back in the 1930s to marry Wallis Simpson, an American divorcee. This was a terrible scandal, as giving up the throne is just not done. I think it has only happened one other time in all of British history. You rule until you die.

2007-12-28 00:51:23 · answer #1 · answered by Jeannie 7 · 8 1

If it is true, it is if anything overdue. A year after the death of the old Queen Mum would have been an appropriate time for the Queen, with the agreement of Parliament, to adopt the title of Queen Mother so that Charles could succeed, whether as King or as Prince Regent. As to the monarch's public reticence on major political and constitutional issues, that is no more than tradition, and not such an old tradition at that. George V was quite outspoken, for example, but much of what he said went unreported. And if Charles were to speak out as the intelligent man he is, in our present climate of lacklustre, mercenary politicians, it would be more than a breath of fresh air. It would be a much needed gale. God Save the King!

2016-03-13 03:31:52 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

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Why won't Queen Elizabeth step down and allow Prince Charles to be King?
I just can't understand why she wants to reign so long. Her mother gave up the throne when she was still young, so I don't understand why she won't allow Charles to finally be king.

2015-08-12 05:22:20 · answer #3 · answered by Ruthie 1 · 0 1

When one becomes a British monarch,one becomes a monarch FOR LIFE.And her mother did not give up the throne as her mother was only a CONSORT,a wife of a king,which is very different than being a reigning QUEEN REGENT.Queen Elizabeth,the Queen Mother,was the King's consort and not the hereditary ruler of the United Kingdom.Her husband was hereditary ruler,and when he died,his heir,Elizabeth II vowed to serve "all the days of my life'' as the Coronation Oath states.
People who think she ought to abdicate don't understand the nature of the British monarchy,it's an office one is born into and therefore die in it. When the Queen heard that Queen Juliana of the Netherlands was abdicating in favor of her daughter,Elizabeth II replied,"Typical Dutch."

2007-12-28 06:28:17 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Her mother lost her husband and Queen Elizabeth was coronated. Kings and Queens don't usually give up their thrones, as long as she is in good health, she feels free to reign. There is also the fact that Charles with his marriage to Camilla, isn't the most popular man in England. Since he himself isn't any youngster anymore, he could die and then it would go to his eldest son, who is rather unseasoned and unwed. If that were to happen while the Elizabeth were alive it would be such an unwelcome oddity that I'm sure, they feel its better to let nature take its course. Elizabeth may be eighty, but her mum lived to a hundred.

2007-12-28 00:47:07 · answer #5 · answered by justa 7 · 5 0

Historically, there were no records of a British monarch stepping down so the male heir who is next in line could "have a go." I highly doubt Queen Elizabethh II would want go down in history as the first female monarch to abdicate for no legitimate reasons. A monarch is for life, unless they were forced by parliament to abdicate like King Edward III (Queen Elizabeth II's uncle), who chose to abdicate on his own free will rather than give up Mrs. Simpson. Even Queen Elizabeth's own father, King George VI who was very sick towards the end of his reign, still remained a monarch til his deathbed instead of passing the crown to then The Princess Elizabeth, who was also first in line of sucession just like Prince Charles of Wales.
With all that in mind, why would Queen Elizabeth give up her throne when she is still in prefect health at the cripple old age of 81?

Note: The Queen's Mother was never "Queen of the United Kingdom", the British crown was passed onto Elizabeth II by her father, King George VII. The British crown cannot be inherited by the wife, it goes to either their eldest son or eldest daughter if they did not have a male heir.

2007-12-28 01:03:43 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 5 2

this is just a simple answer Queen swore to reign until her death. That is how a responsible monarch does. Queen is the longest reigning queen now. It is ignorant to even think that Queen should step down. May she live long healthily like her mother. I am not British though I am Sri Lankan

2015-09-12 06:16:41 · answer #7 · answered by Padma Gunasekera 1 · 0 0

Her Mother was married to her father, who died rather young, and Elizabeth assumed the throne--the mother couldn't have served. I think she both always planned to reign until her death, plus she is so against divorce that she doesn't want a divorced Prince to be King (Charles is also married to a divorcee, which makes it even worse). I think Charles will be bypassed altogether for Prince William.

2007-12-28 00:39:59 · answer #8 · answered by Anna P 7 · 7 2

She does not believe in abdication and he will only ascend to the throne once she passes away. God Save the Queen and long may she reign!

2007-12-28 07:49:17 · answer #9 · answered by rhapsda 2 · 4 0

Prince Charles is not her choice due to his life experiences and to her, does not represent her meaning of a correct monarchy.Besides, she wants to beat the record of Queen Victoria in the number of years she has reigned which will be 7 more years, because Queen Vic reigned for 62 years.

2007-12-28 00:43:14 · answer #10 · answered by Ted 6 · 3 3