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2 answers

1) wireless router - Linksys, Netgear
2) broadband connection
3) wireless adapter for laptop (if not wirelss enabled)

simple add your broadband to wireless router, configure router to your laptop, (instructions are given with router)
and surf

i hope it helps you if not well keep looking

2007-12-27 00:03:29 · answer #1 · answered by Anis 2 · 0 0

Hi, I own a shop in America and I build and install thing for people and what we do is:
1) Buy the right modem or get a modem that is wireless and it has ethernet inputs for computers.
2) Plug it in.
3) You are done and you have a wireless and an ethernet modem.
Don't forget to get one that is firewalled, so your computer can't get hecked.

2007-12-28 05:58:00 · answer #2 · answered by Ammy K 1 · 0 0