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Among Western Conference goalies he is 2nd in wins, 1st in the NHL in Goals Against Average, 1st in the NHL in Save Percentage, and is 3rd in the Western Conference in Shutouts. Plus, he's started 19 games to date and has won 16 of them!!! No other goalie in the league has a winning percentage higher than he does. And you cant say its because he plays for Detroit, because Hasek is absolutely getting lit up (2.41 GAA, and .885 SV%).

2007-12-26 22:43:22 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Sports Hockey

9 answers

Three Red Wings will be voted in, that is more than enough to keep Osgood out (every team has to be represented).

Osgood's also played in 3 previous all-star games.

2007-12-27 03:04:43 · answer #1 · answered by Like I'm Telling You Who I A 7 · 0 2

He should, but with three Wings being voted in and him splitting the net with Hasek, his odds are only 50-50.

CloudCity - As for Osgood playing the "dregs" of the NHL, most of the teams you mentioned are over .500.

At the risk of starting a new argument, saying his numbers are because he plays for Detroit is a weak argument. The goalie - all goalies - contributes to the success of a team as much as he benefits from it. And Osgood has had good numbers his whole career, his winning percentage being one of the highest in the league for years.

So, while I'm not saying he a superstar (please note this, Mike Avs Fan), he does deserve it this year, but his odds are not good.

It's a shame that last night was Osgood's turn (5-0 win) because I would have loved to see him play against Colorado tonight. He and Hasek have been virtually splitting games for the last month; just worked out that way.

And no, Hasek is not getting "lit up." He struggled in some early games, hence the lower stats, but of late has been stellar.

2007-12-27 03:52:56 · answer #2 · answered by Rich 5 · 0 2

Should and will are 2 different things. Osgood is the top goaltender statistically right now. Hasek has had some off games, but Hasek has nothing to do with Osgood's numbers. You cant push aside a players accomplishments either, because of the records of the teams he has beaten. To cloudcity CC, St Louis and Chicago has had Detroits number this year, so that argument is a little flawed. You also cant compare one guys season, to another guys career, just to suit your argument. That would be as stupid as me saying to look at Patrick Roy's career GAA, compared to Osgood's GAA this season, then saying Osgood is better than Roy. Osgood wont be an all star, even though he should. But honestly, I dont think he really cares. Most guys would prefer the break, to spend with their families.

2007-12-27 02:50:36 · answer #3 · answered by Puck me, puck u 5 · 0 2

You probably want to keep in mind that Hasek is a 42 year old goaltender at the end of his career (I think he is the oldest starting goaltender on the ice)... I think being on Detroit has a lot more to do with Osgoods wins and stats than you are giving them credit for. They've not had one game with less than 2 goals the entire season . Osgood is only getting 20 shots on net average... thats low. The puck spends most of the time at the other end of the ice...

Osgood if you check has also been playing games versus the dregs of the NHL as well... STL, CHI, CBJ, CGY, NSH... I'd wait to see how he holds up versus other Divison leaders such as Dallas or Colorado...

It should also be noted that referring to Hasek as getting lit up for a 2.41 GAA while commenting on how good Osgood is (who has a 2.43 career GAA) is rather hypocritical... Osgood is good, but not in the same class career-wise as someone like Hasek.

2007-12-27 01:31:09 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

pretty no longer likely. 6 gamers chosen by employing followers 17 gamers picked by employing the NHL all 15 communities would desire to be represented. The purple Wings have 3 gamers who would be voted in, and the Flames appear as if they might have 2. so as which means the 17 gamers will would desire to return from 12 communities. that would not leave a super sort of room for a 4th participant from Detroit to circulate. he's likewise performed in 3 different all-action picture star video games and the committee does prefer to take new human beings.

2016-11-25 19:09:21 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I asked this question a few days ago. He is arguably one of the best goalies in the game; but he won't make it. He doesn't play regularly enough to compete with the guys who play every game. Also three other Wings will be going, so it is unlikely he would be a fourth. Does he deserve it? Without question. Will he go? The Eight Ball says it isn't likely.

2007-12-27 00:48:36 · answer #6 · answered by Amy B® 5 · 1 2

Would love to see Osgood in the All-Star game because he is an ALL-STAR. Lidstrom will be there no doubt!

2007-12-27 17:03:11 · answer #7 · answered by Miss Redwing 4 · 0 0

Yes he has an awesome record

2007-12-26 23:34:51 · answer #8 · answered by D-Wade Wrecks 4 · 1 2

no because in the west u got luongo you got lagace u got garon, roloson,khabibulin these guys are better then him

2007-12-27 04:43:28 · answer #9 · answered by Wolfpac In Da House 5 · 0 5