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This was in response to Willie V in one of his answers.

Comment on the alarming high rate of local Emirati men marrying non-Emirati women producing the future generations who have two cultural backgrounds. The late great leader Shk Zayed has seen this ahead and even established a Marriage Fund Committee to address the issue but has it been successful?

2007-12-26 21:21:58 · 4 answers · asked by HIROHITO 3 in Travel Africa & Middle East United Arab Emirates

4 answers

I gues this is a big responsibilities over the older generations of local emarities, they should invest their money not for fun only, but the biggest share should be afforded to make projects, schools, libraries, universities, hospitals, and so on, and teach their children to work hard and learn well to drive the life seriousely and teach them to be loyal to their country and religion

2007-12-26 21:37:42 · answer #1 · answered by roro 1 · 0 0

The Marriage fund was so successful, that they even got short on money and make certain payment arrangements.
If Emirati women would not ask for such big dowry and the weddings would not be so very expensive, this problem would not exists.

But I am not worried, the UAE made it a little harder now for foreign women married to Emiratis to gain citizenship. In how many other countries is it usual to marry foreigners (also women) and these countries still kept their cultur and identity.

Take care.

2007-12-27 08:46:58 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

we were just discussing that with family today @ lunch .. very sad conversation !! and its not only about the locals marrying non-locals ..

look at the total number of UAE nationals now !! the percentage .. !!

look at the daily coming expats .. !!

i dont like how it goes .. and i hate thinking about it .. we're feeling strangers in out own home country ..

2007-12-28 10:23:28 · answer #3 · answered by anoooni 5 · 0 1

It depends all on the teachings which side will they be attracted the most.


2007-12-30 05:24:52 · answer #4 · answered by The Invisibleman 3 · 0 0