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It's something I'm thinking of trying when and if I go past my due date (which doesn't look likely at the moment!) I just had a look online and cannot find anywhere that sells it! And please don't preach to me..there is no scientific evidence to suggest it is dangerous, I have done plenty of research!

2007-12-26 21:08:55 · 10 answers · asked by JENNIFER B 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

10 answers

If you haven't found scientific evidence you haven't been looking hard enough. Have you just googled, or actually read obstetric medical journals? Castor oil is NOT without risks. And, it's not effective. If it were both of those things, docs would use it instead of pitocin. Working as a labor nurse, I have seen far too many sick mothers and stressed out babies that have resulted from castor oil attempts at induction. It's not pretty.

Hopefully you've discussed this with your doc / midwife. Too many people don't bother discussion self-induction attempts with their health care provider, which astounds me.

Good luck.

2007-12-26 21:14:16 · answer #1 · answered by Take A Test! 7 · 1 0

I tried castor oil as i went 5 days over with my son and became very impatient! I got some from the chemist at Boots. It didnt work for me but ill keep my fingers crossed it does for you!
Good luck

2007-12-28 08:56:30 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

any chemist or pharmacy will sell it. Even the supermarket.

Oh and its not that it is dangerous. Quite the opposite, it will give your colon a good clean out!
But that means you'll be sitting on the toilet pooping yourself stupid for 24-48 hours which is not the nicest thing to be doing at any point, labouring inducing or not!

Think carefully!

2007-12-27 05:19:24 · answer #3 · answered by Cindy; mum to 3 monkeys! 7 · 3 0

you can get it in a chemist or supermarket, as for it not being dangerous the way is works is to make your bowels and stomach spasm through vomitting and "poo'ing".. this in turn can trigger labour pains to kick in............you spend the best part of labour doubled in pain (not just from the labour pains) ....you may spend most of the labour being sick or cr@pping............ and will possibly crap on the delivery bed... also the baby will get some and may be born with an upset stomach and bowel..........
leave it upto doctors to decide better methods to help labour start........ sex is safer than castor oil

2007-12-27 07:21:36 · answer #4 · answered by Fluffy Cheryl♥ 6 · 0 0


2007-12-27 05:12:08 · answer #5 · answered by Angel D 4 · 1 0

The reason there is no scientific evidence is because it's not considered ethical to do medical research on pregnant women.

2007-12-27 09:13:21 · answer #6 · answered by Ricecakes 6 · 0 1

I wouldn't do that - not cos Ive heard it was dangerous though, Ive never heard that - a friend of mine was telling me that it caused a friend of hers to have major major diahrea during labour!!

2007-12-27 05:13:28 · answer #7 · answered by kjay 6 · 2 0

You say it isn't dangerous, but why not just let nature take it's course? Are you in a hurry?

2007-12-27 05:19:36 · answer #8 · answered by Perry 4 · 0 0

lol my mum tried that with me when i was a day late it just made her sick so wouldn't try it .it will come when it's ready to . good luck

2007-12-27 09:14:04 · answer #9 · answered by hotlegs321 3 · 0 0

in boots the chemist

2007-12-27 05:20:01 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0