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he always kills a human if he sees one. the san francisco zoo tiger was pure evil. he killed a 17 year old boy who posed no threat to him.

Then he severely mauled 2 other teenagers who too didn't pose any kind of threat to him.

And as if thats not enough, he then tried to charge at police and wanted to maul or kill them too.

the tiger was full of extreme cruelty and wickedness and its good he was shot down because he had no right to kill a boy who was only 17. he didn't even need to hunt, and was hand fed, yet he even tried to attack the hand that fed him.

why tigers are always so mean? why can't they just be gentle like goat or deer?

2007-12-26 20:32:25 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Science & Mathematics Zoology

30 answers

Man is the only evil and cruel animal. Tigers are predators. Killing is what they were born to do. Ever hear of Nature? Sometimes she's a *****.
Besides, that tiger was probably terrified at being out of her compound and striking at everything that moved.

2007-12-26 20:39:56 · answer #1 · answered by Alice K 7 · 3 0

Tigers simply act in their nature. It is the nature of goats and deer to be "gentle" because they are herbivorous creatures. It is the nature of tigers to eat other animals because they are carnivores and are at the top of the food chain. I feel like this isn't a difficult concept, and I don't believe the tiger did anything "wrong" here. You can't ascribe a normative judgment to a wild animal. They just do what's in their nature. Period.

Most likely, the tiger was taunted by a foot dangling over the moat. Tigers are intelligent animals, and they are easily set off by a sudden change in their environment- like some stupid, reckless kids throwing things at it or crossing the fence into the enclosure. Tigers are unpredictable, but they aren't "cruel" or "wicked." They're just tigers, and they attack things (even when they're not hungry) because that's what they're built to do.

Also, the kids had no "right" to throw things at the tiger, nor should they have crossed the barrier. The boys have the reasoning ability to understand that their actions were reckless and stupid. The tiger has no such normative reasoning ability.

Finally, think about it. There are 6.5 billion humans in the world, and only 400 siberian tigers left in the wild. Furthermore, tigers kill things (people, animals, whatever) because that's what they do. I don't think you ever could morally justify destroying a tiger just because it killed another human. After all, we keep them and breed them in zoos because we want to keep their species alive- a species we know fully well to be dangerous.

This entire incident is sad but not surprising at all. Humans need to exercise more restraint and judgment around these animals.

2007-12-28 10:32:40 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

I can't understand why you'd blame an animal in that situation for attacking people. It's their instinct, and they are not 'mean' or 'wicked'. Wild goats and deer aren't 'gentle' either. It's just that, as prey animals, they tend to run away if they have a choice because they don't know which predator will be chasing them next.
As for attacking the hand that fed him, just because an animal is kept in captivity doesn't mean that it's tame, or necessarily even friendly towards people in any way. Even a wild animal that sometimes appears friendly can never be guaranteed not to attack. The only reason that tiger was even in close proximity to people at all is because people have chosen it to imprison it in a zoo for it's entire life. If it had had a choice, I'm sure it would have been living in the wild where it belonged, far from any human.
I think it's a real shame the tiger was killed, but I accept there was no choice at the time, given that other human lives were in danger had it lived.
No animal is evil or wicked. They all have beauty, and if they were left in their natural habitat, we would hardly cross paths with any of them.

2007-12-26 22:46:16 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

The tiger was only acting on it's instincts. First of all, it's carnivorous nature may have considered the teenagers prey (and weak, easily caught, still alive and fresh prey at that), and tried to disable them enough to be leisurely eaten. Even if it was not hungry, there must have been some stimuli that provoked it, possibly the yelling from seeing an escaped tiger right in front of you. Given the option when surprised or confronted aggressively (in the tiger's mind, said yelling would be the latter), most animals prefer flight over fight if they aren't hungry enough, even carnivores like tigers and bears. However the tiger didn't have the option to run and hide, being caught among concrete and steel in broad daylight, so it had to fight. The high energy movements and sounds (more aggressive behavior) of the police are probably what caused it to lunge at them as well.

2007-12-26 20:47:53 · answer #4 · answered by manbearpig! 3 · 2 0

Are you warped, mental or just screwed in the head?

Tigers are NOT evil or cruel. They are tigers. Tigers do what tigers do.

A 17 year old boy who got too close to a caged wild animal got killed. What was he doing that close to a wild animal?

If I were locked in a cage against my will because someone just wanted to study me and make money by using me as an attraction and I had the chance to kill them I would do it in a heart beat. I wouldn’t care if the person was 47 or 17.

Do you eat meat or fish? If so, then you must be evil and cruel for killing the animals. What about veil, that's just baby cow. Do you eat eggs? If we use your assertions, that would be very cruel and evil.

Animals do what animals do. They are NOT evil. They are strong, fierce and WILD. People are STUPID for getting to close to them and EVIL for caging animals that should be left in the wild.

I think you should grow up and learn that tigers are tigers and not goat or deer. And for your information, if a wild goat or deer is caged, they will try and bite, kick and even use their antlers to attack people that are close to them. So, maybe you should do a little studying and stop being such as fool.


2007-12-28 04:07:23 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

My cat will torture and kill any small animal (mice, posums) etc that cross it's path - and yet it will be loving to all members of our family.
My mother has a dog that recently attacked a cat, and killed it, and yet that dog is also loving to all family members.
As others have said animal preditors are acting on instinct - but we humans like to act like we don't have the same instint.

But look at humanity as a whole and you will see we have the same instinct to kill and be evil, and often do.

You see, the tiger is evil and not evil at the same time. You are not wrong that the tiger was full of cruelty. If you keep your eyes open you will see cruelty is all around you. It's part of this material plane - and most people posting here try to keep blinders on by rationalizing away reality.
I commend you on your ability to see - don't let others put those blinders back on.

2007-12-28 18:42:33 · answer #6 · answered by accorn34 5 · 0 0

are you serious? the tiger was doing what tigers do, eating meat. It has no concept of evil, and it was not doing something wicked.

the true shame in this terrible tragedy, other than the human life and injuries, was the fact that they had to kill the tiger, which was a member of an extremely endangered species. While it is true that the authorities had to be careful and protect the public, I wish they could have tranquilized it instead. Tatiana was a beautiful animal. I live in the SF Bay Area, I have seen this great cat. Have you?

A terrible tragedy, yes, but there was no evil involved.

2007-12-27 14:12:45 · answer #7 · answered by Lady Morgana 7 · 4 0

The tiger is not an "evil" (in itself a relative concept) or cruel animal. It is simply an apex predator behaving just like any apex predator should. The humans who have almost wiped out the species for its fur are closer to being "evil" than the tiger will ever be. Think of all the defenceless species, such as sheep or goats, our kind slaughters on a daily basis. Have some perspective, please. Man is the cruelest of all animals.

2007-12-30 09:43:03 · answer #8 · answered by The Dark Lord 1 · 0 0

it's the tigers extinct to kill and hunt prey. If they were gentle then they would never survive. And the tiger may have been provoked or treated badly.And when a large wild animal is locked up in a cage u can't expect it 2 obey ur every command. And Tigers are majestic and very graceful animals that should be treated with respect.

And you think tigers are mean and cruel. The last time i checked it was humans who hunted them and other marvellous creatures to extinction,

2007-12-27 06:16:32 · answer #9 · answered by Inferno786 3 · 2 0

Tigers aren't evil - they are just tigers being tigers. The people that got hurt were just unlucky to get in the way. Evil requires that you know that what you are doing is wrong - tigers being tigers is not "evil" - its just "nature" - evil requires humans. Even though the tiger killed someone and hurt two others, it can not be considered "evil" because it was just a tiger being a tiger - they are ferocious animals, especially when hungry. The police had to shoot it because it was attacking them. The tiger didn't know any better - its a tiger... not a goat or a deer.

2007-12-26 20:39:50 · answer #10 · answered by Paul Hxyz 7 · 9 0