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What things would you change? What are you proud of?

2007-12-26 19:33:02 · 13 answers · asked by happywindows2007 2 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

13 answers

The English society has gone down the toilet. We encourage people not to work by paying perpetual state benefits regardless of how long people are unemployed (I know people who are over 45 years old and they have never worked and been on benefits all their "working" lives) and to fund these sort of benefits we tax those that do work to the hilt.

We penalise the law abiding motorists as they make their way to work to pay those taxes motorist by painting yellow lines everywhere and then charging extortionate parking fees on the remaining land where people can park while they work.

We reduce speed limits on roads that have been a higher limit for donkey’s years (many with a history of low or no accidents) and then we place speed cameras on those roads so that we can generate more fines to top up Government coffers and penalise the motorist even more.

We have the highest rate of fuel duty in the World and yet we re-invest a very small proportion of that on public transport or the road infrastructure.

We have hypocritical politicians who tell public servants that they must take below inflation rate pay increases yet the politicians themselves take above inflation rises.

We have Political Parties who promise things at election time, get elected in on the strength of those promises (e.g. the referendum on the European treaty) and then once in power they renege on those promises.

We have politicians who are elected on the promise that they will end the culture of political scandal after scandal and politicians being in power for self-gain yet that culture has flourished and grown worse.

We have Politicians who "sell" peerages to gain political funding for their parties so they can feed us yet more lies and so they can “spin” news.

We have Politicians who tell us we are in imminent danger from rouge states that are pointing weapons at us at this very moment and as a result we go to war. We send thousands of our soldiers into this war, hundreds of who have made the ultimate sacrifice only to find out there were no such weapons of mass destruction but that we have no “exit strategy.”

We are now a "nanny" state and everyone is frightened to voice an opinion for fear of being chastised because you have breached some unwritten rule of political correctness.

We were once a proud Nation who stood up for our values and spoke out without fear of censure, now we have been reduced to being European "yes men."Oh sorry I said men, I should have said, "Yes people" now I am in trouble!

I could go on and on but before everyone says I should put up or shut up I better tell you I am doing just that. I am leaving England and I am joining the many thousands of other hard working taxpayers who are emigrating from England after being been pushed too far. Maybe the grass will be greener, maybe it won’t but I for one need to go and find out for myself. My only fear is that no-one in power in the UK will realise that so many hard working UK Citizens feel this way and that they fail to do something to stop the rot before it’s too late.

2007-12-26 20:22:46 · answer #1 · answered by Captain Sarcasm 5 · 2 0

Hello Happywindows

Although I am not English I am British and have lived in England since I was 3 months old. I am now 60 and have seen many changes.

England was once a proud nation and produced some of the best goods in the world.

It never used to tolerate lawbreakers and when those laws were broken the culprit was hit hard.

England was free and its population was free to say and do what they liked provided they hurt no-one and kept within the law.

There are many other reasons why England was a wonderful and proud nation.

Now, this countries politicians (all parties) have turned our country into a nation who do not appear to be able to make a single decision of their own. They have to rely on the European Union the USA and multi corporations to make their decisions for them.

There is also too many so called do gooders in England now. For example instead of punishing offenders harshly enough to try to dissuade them from offending again, these do gooders only want find out why those crimes were committed and allow them to either remain free or give them a lenient sentence so they can come out and do it again.

The case of the man who raped a 12 year old girl and was given just a few weeks in jail is a case in point.

The British Governments seem incapable of making a decision which may upset Europe, USA, the multi corporations and other organisations like the Politically Correct Party.

The USA don't give a darn about what people and other nations think of them and they will do what they feel is best for them and so do many European Union countries.

A decision or law is passed by the European Government and England (Britain) immediately fall in line and follow the laws made, even the ludicrous laws. Most of the other Union countries still go their own way and get away with it.

Until Britain learns how to stand on it own two feet again and sticks two fingers up to those who are ruling us a little more and runs the country for the benefit of its population, not other countries, England and Britain will lose more and more of its identity and credibility (if has it any left)

Don't get me wrong, I love England and its people and am proud to be a part of this nation. Its is only those who run the country (or think they do) who are destroying it for its people.


2007-12-26 20:12:16 · answer #2 · answered by Poseidon 7 · 3 0

Unlike anon I am most proud of the welfare state. It is one of the most socially inclusive creations of any civilisation. I strongly disagree that we encourage people not to work with benefit provision. Employment has not been higher since ww2, unlike the previous Conservative administration where unemployment rose to over 3 million after 1979 general election. Oh and in 1992, where the base interest rate rose to 12% and the housing market as well as small industry collapsed. We have a recent but strong tradition of trying to help those less fortunate in society, by those that can afford it helping those that cannot. That is what I'm proud of.

Least proud of the Crown Estate, it should be nationalised.

2007-12-29 09:26:46 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I love my country but i would change the current government and stop the political correctness nonsense that pervades this society. Ban all further immigration, the place is full to brimming and cannot cope with the people we have let alone more. All schools to teach English to people who come to the country, as one should learn the language if one wants to live and work here, and having schools primarily for minorities is wrong and has caused more division between people than ever before.
Cut back totally on the bureaucracy in hospitals and channel that money into patient care. And bring back matron and in house cleaning to to all hospitals.
Give decent pay rises to the emergency services after all they are the ones we contact, and that goes for the armed forces, who should be given every support on their return from serving their country.

2007-12-26 19:52:35 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

people from the Northwest the inability of dialect makes it usual to all. The English will declare through fact it extremely is named after them they do... yet seem up the word mentalist interior the dictionary and it purely does not in high-quality condition with the which skill those from the united kingdom connect with it. you won't have the capacity to create a word using employing including an Ist to the top of it. And as Aussie & kiwis share an identical accessory there out of the working. If one is being quite purpose and receives rid of any sence of nationalism from there answer they could come to the comparable end. yet its no longer all undesirable for Limeys kangaroo-hungers and the Aussie-haters. Chicks dig the accessory it makes you sound greater smart and fascinating then you are.

2016-10-20 01:04:39 · answer #5 · answered by macfarland 4 · 0 0

I would change the creeping Americanisation, caused mainly by television and film, and get rid of chavs.

I am proud of our friendliness, liberal attitudes, calmness in a crisis, and our fantastic Labour government, which although it is far from perfect, is 1000 times better and more competent than the previous Tory government was!

2007-12-26 19:41:13 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

change - government, american influence (the rest of western europe laughs at how obsessed we are with celebrity, and that is USA's negative influence)

proud of - tolerant country, big contribution to modern civilisation

the jury's out on the british empire!

2007-12-26 19:37:45 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

It is washed up. I sold up and moved out 3 years ago,and now looking in from the outside, it is even worse than you are led to believe.

2007-12-26 21:06:20 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

what would i change.....................................
maybe due to my age .....60 ish i would like to turn back the clock a little.. so we dont live in a nanny state.
On the news today it seems they want to tag (as in anklet) OAP's who suffer from dementia.. so they dont get lost........

its crazy here now... cant do right for doing wrong. But like yesterday in Tesco.... this kid with his new mini scooter riding around all over the place, so I let go at him ....its not a playground...etc (as we oldies do) then his mother calmly appeared scratching off numbers on her lotto card, and I said if that was my kid he wouldnt be doing that, so of course she said hes not your kid so dont worry,...I replied.. You better worry if he accidentally runs into me........
but it gave no effect he was stilll running around on the thing... I do my shopping on line then I wont do any kids or moms any damage.......................???!?!?!?!?!?!

2007-12-26 19:53:36 · answer #9 · answered by amlis 3 · 2 0

Change the laws to stop any more immigration. Help the elderly more and those that genuinly need help. Jail more criminals and build more jails.
I am proud of our heritage.

2007-12-26 19:39:20 · answer #10 · answered by j.pee69 6 · 5 1