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I like this at mt school but I don't want to. All I do is think about her. What to do?

2007-12-26 18:32:01 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

I know her shes, my friend and I just think it would be better if I didn't like her anymore for many reasons.

2007-12-26 18:42:41 · update #1

How do you know your sons older than me?

I could be in college, you don't know how old I am.

2007-12-26 18:54:51 · update #2

27 answers

takes time you'll like another girl and forget about her

2007-12-26 18:35:39 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I am a little older than you. We used to call it having a "crush." Guess what, it only gets worse! lol!

Actually it can be a tough situation, and it even happens to old farts like me, (my son is older than you!) Just realize that you can like someone and not be "with" that person. Settle for being friends and make more friends with other people.

I work with a lot of high school guys and I tell them something I learn ed the hard way: worry about getting an education, growing up will take care of itself, and remember they selection of girls is a LOT BETTER in college! Besides, the girls that tend to be the best "Catch" tend to prefer guy that can best provide for their family's

For now stay busy and active and study hard.

2007-12-27 02:46:33 · answer #2 · answered by Typo 6 · 0 0

Well why do you want to stop thinking about her? Take action, don't be indecisive. However, if you want to avoid her because she's a bad influence, or you're lusting after her, or your being obsessive, those are completely different. Reflect and then act. Talk to her, become friends with her. As far as lust goes, avoid it, it'll ruin your relationship with her and a potential future wife. Plus girls don't like it, be a MAN of integrity and class. If you're obsessing, you need to do something, go ride a bike or something. Chill with some friends. I encourage you to reflect on your feelings and possibly talk with a trusted friend.

2007-12-27 02:39:30 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

really hard. had to battle this a couple of times. ok, stop doing things that remind you of her. stop looking at her pic in the yearbook. stop searching for her in the halls. when your mind starts thinking about her, do something else that will force your mind to be distracted. find her flaws and harp on them. everytime you think of her, think of her doing something that you absolutely hate.

maybe, i dont know if you're this type of person, write a poem/song/letter about/to her and then burn the piece of paper. step away from all your attachments and start out clean. ive done this twice and it worked for a while.

worse comes to worse, talk to your friends about her. if they dont like her either, then it will give you guys another connection. i know this is mean, but if it works it works.

2007-12-27 02:39:34 · answer #4 · answered by cranberry 5 · 1 0

Put it out yer head bro. Just focus on bettering yourself each day. If that doesnt work, just go for it. Ask her out, make a move, something. If you get rejected it will get you over her, and if you get with her you wont have to.

Best course of action.

2007-12-27 02:35:47 · answer #5 · answered by frank wyte 2 · 0 0

You get very busy and occupy your mind with other things. You can't think about two things at once so concentrate on other things and other people. Don't dwell. You are the one who commands your thoughts. Read a good book.

2007-12-27 02:34:52 · answer #6 · answered by towanda 7 · 0 0

you shouldnt try to get over her just look for someone else to like if you really like her give her signals that show that and flirt with her if she already knows you like her and didnt feel the same try finding a new girl

2007-12-27 02:42:49 · answer #7 · answered by Eminuhh☮ 4 · 0 0

get to know her from a distance, then you will see her that she's not as perfect as she looks, but this doesn't mean that you stalk her, get to know her from other people, ask their oppinion about her.
if she turns out to be okay, then maybe the problem is with you, why do you want to stop liking her?

2007-12-27 02:38:21 · answer #8 · answered by awang j 4 · 0 0

Start looking around at other girls to like. You maybe so focused on Miss Impossible that you are not seeing the great qualities in other girls.

2007-12-27 02:35:37 · answer #9 · answered by Signilda 7 · 0 0

It is not a bad thing to like someone! It is perfectly natural! It will all be OK.

Hope you two work out :D

2007-12-27 02:35:33 · answer #10 · answered by Fat 4 · 0 0

Do you not want to like her because you are becoming obsessed about her and it is stressful to have her on your mind so much? Or is it because you think that social convention shouldn't allow you to like her, or because she is unattainable? You should add more details.

2007-12-27 02:36:59 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0