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I just received an Eclipse Hex 5 aquarium, and installed it according to the instruction booklet. After I turned the power on, i noticed that there weren't any bubbles coming out of the little "hose-like" part that juts into the tank itself. Are bubbles supposed to come out of there?

2007-12-26 16:58:13 · 1 answers · asked by Justo A 2 in Pets Fish

1 answers

No, they aren't. If you're talking about the long black tube that goes into the water, this is where the water is pulled up into the filter. It's returned to the tank through the two square holes at the top right (at least this is the shape and orientation on both of the Eclipse hex tanks that I have.

It's a misconception that bubbles are necessary to provide your fish with dissolved oxygen. Most of the oxygen gets into the water (and carbon dioxide leaves) at the surface, and all the filter or airstones are meant to do is to create enough movement that the oxygenated water from the top circulated through the tank.

2007-12-26 17:14:23 · answer #1 · answered by copperhead 7 · 3 0