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12 answers

Sometimes my first love, a highschool sweetheart, is in my dreams. I have let go of him. It is my strong feeling, though, I will always love him and he is in my dreams to remind me good men are out there.

I used to get nightmares of my soon-to-be ex husband who abused me I left (FLED actually) Dec. 20, 2006. Once I forgave him the nightmares went away.

All the best in the new year!!


2007-12-26 16:56:51 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I am, and always have been a very active and vivid dreamer. I never know who is going to show up! I stopped trying to figure out the whys of it a long time ago. I was making myself crazy thinking a guest shot in a dream must mean something.

2007-12-26 17:15:08 · answer #2 · answered by Sarcastibitch 4 · 0 0

Yes! It is how we are built as people. God intended for us to be with only one person and for that to cause an intense bond. We often are sexual with others outside of marriage (myself included) in our mind the bond is not there, but in our hearts it is. It is just imbedded in our hearts somewhere, or the back of our minds and it will take a very long time for this to stop happening. Try to ignore it- that's all I can say.....I do the same thing...

2007-12-26 16:57:38 · answer #3 · answered by Ferrari 3 · 1 0

omg, yes!!! there was this highshool guy a had a past with and i really was in love with too... and i still think about him until today. barely though.. but enough that my dreams has him in it once in a while. im happily married though. its not like i want to leave my husband for him. its just that, these are one of the times where i wonder what could have happened. yeah its that shoulda-coulda-woulda type. argh! i dont know what to do with it either! i guess, thats normal...

2007-12-26 16:53:54 · answer #4 · answered by switbaby9 3 · 0 0

it would desire to be that your husband would not have any romantic emotions for her even though it may be perplexing to have self assurance that he would not have any emotions in any respect. i could say that he's dreaming approximately her through fact she nevertheless performs an substantial functionality in his existence - inspite of each thing she is the mum of his baby. He has probable experienced plenty together with her and so subconsciously she represents the assumption of "the lady" in his existence. are not getting me incorrect, it is not any longer to assert which you're no longer the affection of his existence. it is in simple terms that element and background in lots of situations play a extra constructive functionality in what you dream that what he's at the instant experiencing. in case you have ever dreamed approximately being at domicile and the home is the domicile the place you grew up (no longer the place you reside ideal now) then i could say that's what he's dealing with.

2016-11-25 03:00:10 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Well I certainly don't dream of him.......
I will never be free of him...as we have two children together. I have long since realized I cannot MAKE him do anything regarding our children. His behaviour and choices have always been a dissapointment to me regarding his role as a father.
I'll never be free of that..........
Our children pay the price in the long run.........

2007-12-26 16:58:25 · answer #6 · answered by Janet 5 · 0 0

Yes, it happens. And sometimes it makes me sad. But as time goes on, the dreams and the thoughts are lessened. And I'm even happily married. I just think it's normal, when we care about someone, to think of them again.

2007-12-26 17:02:11 · answer #7 · answered by trapeze 5 · 0 0

Discover how to get your ex back with simple text message: http://getyourexback.checkhere.info

Many girls break up with their significant others, is because they need time to figure things out. Don't take it personally, if you want her back, you have to show her you can help her. If you love her then you'll let her go, that's it. Not everybody who you date in high school you end up staying with, the chances are extremely unlikely. So if she doesn't want to, then you need to let her go.

2014-10-22 18:12:04 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I frequently dream that my ex wife gets hit by a bus.

2007-12-26 17:13:15 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes and if that person was a true love or worse a soul mate you will never forget them EVER!!!!

2007-12-27 01:57:46 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0