PLEASE, be brutally honest.
i'm putting up two pictures i took of myself today, so these are what I actually look like, not me trying to be ugly or trying to be pretty, just normal being serious & smiling

45 answers
asked by
Beauty & Style
➔ Other - Beauty & Style
Thanks for all the answers.
ALL of them.
Even the mean ones.
I asked you guys to be brutally honest.
The truth is even I know I'm not pretty.
I'm working on my confidence.
I know I'm chubby.
I'm working on it.
Special thanks to the nice people who tried to make me feel better about myself :)
16:59:28 ·
update #1
and i'll be 15 in january.
i know.... i look young.
17:06:28 ·
update #2
and in my defense!!!!

i know how to be pretty when i feel like it ^_^
i chose those pictures of me on purpose because why post a picture that i think it cute where i think everyone is gonna say nice things?
if you posted a glaring photo of yourself on and one where the first shot smile you get, do you think you'd look top model-gorgeous?
probably not, unless you're a very attractive person.
yeah, i'm a defensive lil biatch & i know i asked for it so just shh :D
17:11:46 ·
update #3
You're adorable! I love your bangs
2007-12-26 16:51:04
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I know this is probably not the answer you're looking for, but I dont think you should be asking what others think of you. Rather the question should be
What do I think of myself?
Do you think youre pretty? Do you think youre ugly? Why?
If youre feeling negative about your self image, talk to someone you trust so that together you can find a solution to those feelings.
Sorry, but I'm not going to look at your pics, as Im sure you are a wonderful person. Look in the mirror and tell yourself what you think, and if its negative, change it. Good luck to you and Happy New Year!
2007-12-26 16:52:42
answer #2
answered by Julio P 2
I like the first one a lot, you look super cute!!! The second one is ok it would be better if you smiled. But why do you care what we think? If YOU like the way you look, that's all you need. If YOU think you want to change the way you look, do it. Follow you're heart. But in my opinion you look very pretty! The first pic give a 8/10 and the second one a 5/10. 5 is averag. Hope I gave of good vibes!
2007-12-26 16:55:07
answer #3
answered by ♡ shut up ♡ 5
First of all, I would like to say you are only as pretty as you feel. If you feel you are pretty then others will see you as pretty, if you see yourself as ugly with a low self esteem then this is what other see. I am honest in saying "if you are pretty on the outside but have an ugly attitude then your are ugly on both the outside and inside." I have seen people who are pretty but the minute they spoke their first ugly word, that person was never pretty to me anymore.
Now as for your question. You are a beautiful girl. You are much prettier when you smile because I see happiness. In the pic where your not smiling it looks like your sad. I hope your attitude matches your smiling face.......I hope this helps.
2007-12-26 16:55:37
answer #4
answered by katherine_petrey27 2
i love your cheeks. :]
but you shouldn't be so hung up on how you look.
you should care on how you think you look [positively]
its all about what YOU think you look like. not anyone else.
if your doing this for a guy. he thinks your ugly or something. then hes not for you. the right guy will like you for who you are and how you look like.
if its for friends. then they aren't friends. friends are suppose to be there for you no matter what.
if its for anything else. im not sure. cause those are the only two reasons why i think you would be putting a pic of yourself on here and asking a question like that.
& your pretty. lol. forgot to put that on :D
2007-12-26 16:54:24
answer #5
answered by Sarah 3
Everything God Makes Is Beautiful.
PS: Yeah, You're Gorgeous Girl! You Shouldn't Be Asking That.
2007-12-26 16:52:21
answer #6
answered by Aubrey 2
You have a very lovely picture. But to me, the most important is your personality. How many times we have heard that someone is just very cute and pretty, but that person has an attitude problem? Or he/she may not be cute, but he/she has a wonderful personality.
2007-12-26 17:00:56
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I think you're naive if you think plastering photos of someone as young as yourself on the internet is a good idea. There's probably some pedophile out there right now getting his rocks off looking at these photos.
Please, be safe on the internet, if you're a little girl don't make yourself so easily accessible.
2007-12-26 16:52:34
answer #8
answered by Mephistopheles 1
You are a pretty cute kid. You really look best smiling though. Also you need to show off your face more. Hair hanging around it too much, hides your looks.
2007-12-26 16:52:41
answer #9
answered by MBlessed (SOC) 5
2016-03-24 09:23:04
answer #10
answered by Rose 1
Ima be honest with you. YOU ARE GORGEOUS. You have a beautiful smile, great eyes, and really nice hair.
But I want to tell you something, you are gorgeous, but that doesn't define who you are, make sure your personality shines, that's true beauty!.. But all in all be yourself that's all you need to do to be gorgeous.
2007-12-26 16:54:41
answer #11
answered by skins_baller 1