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dont vote because some one LOOKS presidential!!Vote on common sense,and logic!

2007-12-26 12:58:02 · 16 answers · asked by drumbum2004 1 in Politics & Government Elections

16 answers

Perhaps if we as a country knew as much about our Constitution or government as we knew about Brittany Spears' underwear preferences, people could make up their own minds about who to vote for.
I doubt most people know this for example: Last year, Iran developed a missle system capable of hitting any moving ship in the Persian Gulf within one minute.
The reason you are not aware of this is because of the fact that the airwaves were clogged with the news of Anna Nicole Smith's untimely, drug induced death. Much better to hear and stay glued to those details, rather than the things that might have an effect on our nation's service people.
Enjoy your TMZ and Access Hollywood, and whatever you do, stop thinking for yourself.

2007-12-26 13:21:22 · answer #1 · answered by bigslowtom 2 · 2 0

People don't vote based on poll results. A poll is unbiased and gives an 'idea' of how the general public is thinking. This is true for national polls. There is no such thing as logical thinking in voting for a politician! Your logic may be completely illogical for someone else. It's all a matter of perspective.

2007-12-26 21:12:38 · answer #2 · answered by cindy abc 4 · 1 1

We can't because most people are apathetic when it comes to politics. There is very little noticeable change in a persons life when there is a change in president or senate or whatever. Thus, people don't really care that much. They will watch a few news segments, read a paper, find out what party the candidate is from and then vote accordingly. It's a shame.

I for one have researched all the candidates and am 100% convinced that Mitt Romney is the best person for the Presidency. He has the experience, character, and communication skills necessary to produce change in our country.

2007-12-26 21:06:52 · answer #3 · answered by sbay311 3 · 1 1

U can't ur talking about trying to get millions of people to vote like everyone else n that is not going to happen OK,were all individuals n no matter how hard u try it is not going to happen we all think and decide differently n what one does n how they vote will not influence how the next person votes so u can try until the cows come home n that will take a while n it still will not happen god luck if u can but u won't.

2007-12-26 21:04:56 · answer #4 · answered by Dark Shadows 3 · 1 1

I prefer to vote for the person that my favorite celebrity tells me to vote for. That seems to make about as much sense as voting for the person who looks the most presidential.

2007-12-26 21:08:54 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Many of us don't need convinced. The rest probably can't be. Convincing someone requires they are receptive to logical argument. Voting based on polls of appearance implies you are not receptive to logic.

2007-12-26 21:06:37 · answer #6 · answered by STEVEN F 7 · 4 0

We have become a country with a lack of ability to think for ourselves. Most people will either vote the polls or the party, or worst yet what some overpaid celebrity dumb *** on MTV says they should.

It's incredible to me when these people can't stop driving drunk and forget to wear panties, but millions of people will listen to them and vote what ever they say.

2007-12-26 21:06:32 · answer #7 · answered by mike1985x 3 · 4 0

Voting is not a skill, it is a game of chance. Hopefully we take a chance by getting the right feeling for someone who might be telling the truth.

2007-12-26 21:08:45 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Most Americans vote for the party their parents voted for. There is very little logic.

2007-12-26 21:00:32 · answer #9 · answered by okrife 3 · 2 3

Maybe if the truth were reported more in the media instead of crappy celebrity fluff pieces.

2007-12-26 21:19:07 · answer #10 · answered by gillianinchains 3 · 2 0

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