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Well think about it. Public schools turn out people for the general work force. Where as private schools actually give the children the tools they need to run this world. I guess it has to work this way in order for the world to be equal. We could not have so many successful people or who would work at mcdonalds or haul gravel. What do you think?

2007-12-26 10:44:01 · 11 answers · asked by MiMi ♥ 4 in Social Science Economics

11 answers

Proof is in the pudding.
I agree wholeheartedly.
'nuff said!!!!

2007-12-26 10:50:27 · answer #1 · answered by Kiker 5 · 2 2

I agree with the general premise of your question. All hierarchies require leaders and followers, and the followers have to greatly outnumber the leaders for the system to work. However, when you talk about private schools, only a small percentage of those kids will turn out to be masters of the universe types 'running the world'. The rest will be in the general work force, albeit usually at a higher level than their public school counterparts. I would say if the private school system does anything, it provides those kids with a sense of entitlement, like the world belongs to them. Snobbery of a sort.

Unfortunately, you have to be a bit of a snob to become successful, no matter where your roots lie. Forget the nicey nice image that some super successful people project to the world. If you don't truly believe that you are a cut above the rest, that you are special, you will never be a great success. You have to look down on others to get ahead and to be a big shot; you must have that sense of entitlement.

Besides what is a successful person anyways? One who has more success than the next person, or less failures. It's all relative. The successful person aka 'winner' needs the 'loser' to give value to his or her accomplishments.

As an aside, Europe has no class system? That's a joke. That means that there is no social unrest and there are no super rich or super poor people. Europe forgets that it can (literally) afford to pretend to be Marxist because the US basically is responsible for defending Europe as well as itself, and provides Europe with technology. Didn't some Nordic kid waste some people in school recently?

2007-12-26 14:17:43 · answer #2 · answered by Blindman 4 · 0 2


2016-05-26 10:48:23 · answer #3 · answered by amada 3 · 0 0

I have experience with both public and private. The problem is more money and time needs to be given to public school so that they have the tools to do as good of a job as private schools do. Smaller class sizes, smaller teacher to student ratio, get rid of "No Child Left Behind", pay the teachers more, be more concerned with truancy, have Web access to the grade book and homework assignments for parents. Oh, I could go on.

2007-12-26 10:50:40 · answer #4 · answered by BlueSea 7 · 0 1

You really hit the nail on the head with the hammer this time...Our education system is in shambles. Everybody knows the better educated you obtain, the greater success you can achieve. For those less fortunate, they must strive harder to get the same results. If a poor man wants a better education, he or she must go into debt on student loans. Even with the same education, the balance scale is not equal. The success has a thick cloud of uncertainty.

2007-12-26 12:50:31 · answer #5 · answered by Mr.B 4 · 2 0

The major advantage private schools give their students is connections not education. Although some public schools provide an inferior education the best of them , particularly magnet schools for good students, offer a better education that is obtained by "rich kids" in private schools.

2007-12-26 14:48:05 · answer #6 · answered by meg 7 · 0 1

You want equal chance for everyone?

Move to Europe...

US is a class system. Either you're rich and can pay 100+k for Uni, healthcare, childcare, or you are poor and you can't.

Certainly, there are people who live very well... but many can't afford basic food, social care etc. US is socially screwed!

That's why i returned to Europe. People live much better here!

+I don't need pair of Uzis, and bulletproof vest when i go shopping! Killings in US have become "normal"... In LA, where i was for sometime, there are 2000...

IN WORDS- TWO THOUSAND!! gangs! Place for children? **** no!
Honestly, there are better places than LA, but good Unis, childcare, HI etc. are too expensive everywhere!

I honestly wonder how people with 30k$, sick and with children even make do from month to month...

Everyone has acess to health, education, maternity, vacation, sickdays here...

BUT US is BUSY fighting wars... which enrich war tycoons(weapon corps) and oil tycoons. Meanwhile, people starve, have no HI, mother struggle with kids... beggars everywhere, crime on the explosion.

Bush: HI for poor kids is too expensive... but another war is just 1000 billion, right?

This is no democracy!

2007-12-26 11:09:28 · answer #7 · answered by Filip 2 · 1 1

Merriam-Webster defines Equal as "like in quality, nature, or status; like for each member of a group, class, or society 'provide equal employment opportunities'; regarding or affecting all objects in the same way - impartial"

I'm not following how you reason that people who cannot go to private school and are therefore destined to haul gravel are equal to people who go to private school and shall therefore rule the world. Then again, I do not agree to your reasoning that private schools are automatically superior. Some definitely are. Some are not. In our area, the five best high schools are public. Only one private high school can even think of comparing. And at 20K a year for that private, I think the publics have it hands down. That said, my entire family went to public schools, and only my cousin works in a restaurant. But he owns it, along with two others. Beware of generalizations.

2007-12-26 10:57:17 · answer #8 · answered by zayneb 3 · 1 2



First, you seem to assume that one's work is the only purpose for school.

Second, a LOT of public school graduates have done all sorts of things besides manual labor.

No, it does NOT "have to be" the way you describe. What people do with their lives should depend on their aptitudes and interests.

One thing schools to (both public and private) do is expose students to lots of things, and help students and society at large, what things each child is good at, and enjoys.

This is only one part of what schools are for. An education is much more than vocational training.

2007-12-26 13:23:22 · answer #9 · answered by tehabwa 7 · 0 2

The public education system, particularly in the inner cities, has failed those students and parents who value education and want their children to learn. Too often talented, ambitious students in the inner city are negatively socialized at school; the unruly kids who don't care to learn disrupt the classroom environment, making it impossible to difficult for serious students to learn. Moreover, the kids who are taught at home education matters are told by their peers excelling at school makes you disloyal to your race. Teachers in these kind of situations become frustrated by the disruptive students, and so lack the time to attend to the serious ones. In short, the inner city school are irrevocably bad. If this government were serious about bridging the education gap between blacks and whites, they would make vouchers available for parents in the inner cities to send their kids to private schools.

2007-12-26 14:30:21 · answer #10 · answered by Crookedlettaman 4 · 0 1

Very sad, very true...and obviously you're the private school..right.

2007-12-26 13:20:51 · answer #11 · answered by Carol (Yeah I said it!) G. 4 · 1 1