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I am trying to find the fisherman (the dad of that family) as he knows the only way through the fog, blah blah blah but i can't find him anywhere!!!

Ive read and marked the those stones with his writing on that island and i have been into his first hideaway and am now looking for the second one he mentions, but where is it?!?!?!?!

he says sumthing about 2 points where they intersect, and his wife (the mum of the family) says sumthing about 4 points, oh y god im so confused...

what do i do? where do i go????

please help!!! :(

2007-12-25 23:57:43 · 1 answers · asked by ダニエル 3 in Games & Recreation Video & Online Games

1 answers

to the left of his house, there's a tree.

on your map, draw dots where the stones he wrote on are. then draw lines from the stones he wrote on to the opposite stones - it will make an X

an X that has the middle near a tree to the left of his house

dig there

2007-12-26 04:40:25 · answer #1 · answered by Jim 7 · 0 0