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how do I find the appropriate drivers or software for the router and how do I set the router up? I have had the router connected to my laptop via an Ethernet cable through one of of the LAN ports and it shows there is a connection. I just cant connect to my ISP. AS I've got cable, I do not need to connect using a user name/password. Thanks

2007-12-25 22:19:04 · 1 answers · asked by ickey 1 in Computers & Internet Computer Networking

1 answers

Well, routers don't use "drivers" as such, they are stand alone devices. Basically they have there own internal software for routing and do not depend on your computer for any of the functions.
To setup the router you normally just open a Browser window and go to the routers address like (the address may vary.) To find the routers address just click on the LAN connection and click "status" the IP that shows as the "GATEWAY" is the routers address. That is what you want to connect into to setup the router. There will be a set of web pages to let you change and configure the router.
Or click start--> run in the run line type cmd -- on the black screen type ipconfig /all the gateway is the routers address.

With a cable connection the only thing you may need to do to get it working is POWER cycle the cable MODEM. If that doesn't work you may need to contact the cable company and get the new "MAC" address authorized (this is the routers hardware number).

I looked up Inexq (their website is down from the links I tried) so I can't tell you the exact address. There should be a set of instructions with the router but if not you can find the routers IP and connect to set up the system. There are many reports out there about this router so help is probably available (many of those reports are not favorable so you might want to look at some of the issues.)

Hope that helps, Merry Christmas and God Bless.

2007-12-26 00:59:47 · answer #1 · answered by Tracy L 7 · 0 0