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2007-12-25 21:46:58 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Science & Mathematics Mathematics

13 answers

and drill the techiques in your head. pay attention in class and most importantly do your homework.

2007-12-25 21:50:44 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

Make sure you have all your study tools like some sheets of paper, pencils or pens, textbook or the online textbook if there is one, maybe a calculator, some graph paper if needed, and any other essential items. Study the vocabulary of the chapter or section that you are studying. It may not be now but vocabulary is very important to know. Make sure you are really familiar with the formulas, postulates, theorems, laws, etc that covers what you are studying. Pay close attention to the examples that are given in the book (if there are any). Pick a couple of random problems even the ones that are little difficult and work them out. Check your answers to make sure you got it correct. Start early studying for an upcoming test because cramming will not help. If you do not understand something make sure you ask your teacher for help.

2007-12-25 23:55:03 · answer #2 · answered by Rycka Pycka 3 · 0 0

1) Open your text-book.
2) Start reading from the first page.
3) Make sure that you understand all that is written by the author.
4) In a separate note, keep listing down the formulae to be used in solving problems.
5) Make sure to read the illustrative problems and learn them such that you can also solve similar problems with changed numbers.
6) When it comes to doing the exercise problems, first attempt all in a separate note-book and do not see the answers.
7) Now check the answers and tick mark with pencil the problems you could not solve correctly.
8) After completing once, do only the tick-marked problems while revising for the first time and give the ones you could not do another tick.
9) During the third revision, do not try all problems, but only those which have two tick-marks and give a third tick-mark to those you could not do.
10) In each of the second and third revision, re-read all illustrative problems before attempting the exercise.
11) A day before the exam, memorize the formulae, go through the illustrative problems and practice the problems with three tick-marks.
I had followed the above practice during my student career and found it very successful.

2007-12-25 22:02:28 · answer #3 · answered by Madhukar 7 · 1 0

There really is no one recipe for studying math. What may apply to someone may not necessarily apply to another person.

The important thing is for a person interested in studying mathematics to find a "way" which to him is comfortable and convenient. I would not recommend a long list of do's and don'ts in studying mathematics. You have to find you own style of studying that works for you and then from there stick to it.
Mathematics demands clear and logical thinking. And for one to think clearly and logically one must spend time to clear up all the ambiguities that have accumulated in his mind with regards to mathematics. Yes, you have to READ but at the same time UNDERSTAND what you read.

A common mistake among students is to memorize solutions to problems. Once confronted with something "different" they no longer could think through the problem because they are looking for similarities in solving the problem with those previously solved problems.

Finally, be patient. You have to persevere and don't get frustrated if at first you can't get the right answer. But don't give up on the problem. Let it rest perhaps for some days and then attack the problem when you are in the right mood and inspired.

Good luck!

teddy boy

2007-12-25 23:41:41 · answer #4 · answered by teddy boy 6 · 0 0

If you want to be able to solve a problem 1 you must undrestand the problem which depends to you no matter how much you study!
2 you must have ideas to solve it which you can gain just by practicing and spending time!
you should work and solve lots of problems! this way your mind can get to an idea easiear! even in alimited time!
first of all you should know some basic points in the subject!
when you are studying first read some of these basic points! then try to solve some easy problems in the subject! or take a look at some solved problems in your notebook or a book or something to get the idea of solving the problems like that!
then solve the problems yourself! try to get more than one idea for solving it! spend lots of time on each problem!
then get to more difficult problems and so on....

2007-12-25 22:22:42 · answer #5 · answered by ??? 2 · 0 0

You can:
1)do some exercise
2)read some books that talk about maths
3)do some revision
4)review what have you learnt in maths
5)answer more questions of maths in Yahoo! Answers(have a try)

2007-12-26 02:25:59 · answer #6 · answered by An ESL Learner 7 · 0 0

FIRST listen to the teacher.Back home eethe chapter being taugt.revise the basics clearly worked out understand them .try and work out few questions and check answers

carry on it is easy nd all ways look for the chapters and basic theory

2007-12-25 22:23:44 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

With a big bowl of cookies. Take a cookie when you resolve the problem right.

(take a sob of milk when you have an idea that might lead to a right answer)

2007-12-25 21:50:16 · answer #8 · answered by Jesus D 2 · 0 0

index cards
practicing solving problems correctly
read aloud the textbook

2007-12-25 23:20:26 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Don't stick to one source. Read other books.

Good luck!

2007-12-25 23:49:27 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

first see the sums and understand.then work out in rough note

2007-12-25 21:51:34 · answer #11 · answered by Keethu 2 · 0 0