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I am 12 weeks today/tomorrow but I've not had this particular scan with my other two and I know it will be done as a regular ultrasound (abdominal?) but they are looking for signs of Downs Syndrome, is that right? The people at the scan place said it takes up to 40mins to do the scan but is that really true or do they allow extra time? Why would it take that long?

I know I have to drink all the water, I've had 7 ultrasounds alltogether now but just not this particular one.

Anything else I should know about it?

Thanks ladies!!

2007-12-25 21:09:09 · 3 answers · asked by Cindy; mum to 3 monkeys! 7 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

3 answers

It is like a normal scan for you, but the difference is that they are getting more than your baby's crown-to-rump measurement. Mine took 2 sessions of about 20 minutes each, because the baby has to be in just the right position. The first time they tried, her back was to us, and she wouldn't move. The second time, about 45 minutes later, she was moving a bit, but she had to be laying on her back in a perfect profile shot. But, she was too snug against the uterine wall, and laying on my aorta, so they couldn't get the right measurement unless I laid on my side to budge her from the wall. So, how long it takes really depends on the baby. They need to be able to measure the skin behind the neck to the inside of the spine to get a measure of the fluid in the nuchal sack. They measure this, then combine the measurement with your age, weight, and a few drops of blood to come up with a risk assessment. You have an age related risk, and hopefully this measurement would give you odds less than your age-related risk. Good luck! Enjoy seeing your little one again!

2007-12-26 04:36:56 · answer #1 · answered by Tyler & Kylee's Mom 4 · 0 0

Lots of clinics now offer routine Nuchal Translucency scans to all women who are pregnant so don't worry. In fact many women who don't get offered it feel they have missed out or pay to have it done privately. During the Nuchal scan the sonographer measures your baby's neck fluid to see if your baby might have Down's syndrome. It will also be based on your age and possibly a blood test too. The nuchal scan is offered between weeks 12 and 14 and is completely up to you if you want it or not. At any rate it is another chance to see your tiny baby kicking away inside you. Im not sure how long it would take ut i mean its not a definate answer either as the wether or not the baby has down syndrome but it does offer a chance such as 20 to 80 percent or something like that hope that helped

2007-12-26 05:32:37 · answer #2 · answered by Little Mis Noddy 1 · 0 0

You may have already had it (with the other bubba's) but they just didn't explain it to you like they have this time. Or possibly not, and you are older this time?? They are looking for a special sak at the back of the neck. Which causes spina-bifita, downs, not sure what else. Ive had one, but even when you recieve the results they are not 100%, just in case they get it wrong... they have to save their own butts. Its just another ultrasound to check the growing baby and make sure everything looks ok. Nothing to worry about.

2007-12-26 05:36:18 · answer #3 · answered by Moz 4 · 0 0