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My family and I are planning to move to Australia pretty soon. I have a few questions about Brisbane:
1. I have heard the humidity is really bad. Is that true?
2. Are there a lot of Mozzies?
3. How much do you have to worry about Spider and Snake Bites?
4. Overall is brisbane a nice place to live?

2007-12-25 20:42:57 · 11 answers · asked by Sloane 2 in Travel Australia Brisbane

11 answers

I think Brisbane is a great place for you to live. To answer your questions:
1. The humidity is relative to what sort of weather you are used to. Compared to many tropical countries like in South East Asia, Brisbane is drier. Having said that, the humidity in Brisbane can get pretty bad during summer months, around December to February. However, most new houses are equipped with air conditioner, so are the public transports, mostly. Still, one year I went to Bali directly from Brisbane in December, and I could tell that the humidity in Bali was much worse than Brisbane, so, it is all relative.

You won't have problem with humidity during the cool season, around late April to early/mid-October. The so-called pseudo winter months from June to August can get pretty dry. You see people applying lip gloss!

July: low 10s to low 20s degree centigrade (about 50s to 70s farenheit)
January: about low 20s to mid 30s centigrade.

2. Mozzies are generally not a problem in Brisbane, unless when it rains, but nothing like in the tropical countries. FYI, flies are problems in many Australian cities. BUT, Brisbane has the least flies problem as compared to Perth, Adelaide or other southern cities during summer. Trust me, the flies in Perth during summer months will drive you crazy. I met tourists in Perth in November wearing a hat with insect nets around the hat!

3. Spier and Snake bites? Not in the city! But if you have gardens, you may want to pay a bit of attention there. Having said that, having wonderful gardens are the pride of so so many Australians, and while you heard news about spider or snake bites from time to time, it is generally not a problem. Bill Bryson did a good job scaring people off of Australians poisonous wild life!

4. Brisbane is a great place to live. People are friendlier than the cool stuck-up Sydney-siders. Many eateries, restaurants, mall, etc around Brisbane and its suburbs. Easy access to Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast, and if you are lucky, you live right by river side :D. You can even catch a catamaran every day to work as part of the public transport system!

My other favourite cities in Australia is Melbourne, but it gets pretty chilly there.

2007-12-25 21:21:36 · answer #1 · answered by SimpleGuy 3 · 1 0

1. the humidity can be bad for people who aren't used to it, but if you have an air conditioner and some light summer clothing then you're set. Further, the humidity in Brisbane is really only bad in a few weeks the rest of the year the weather is great! It is a great place to live!

2. It depends where you live whether or not there are a lot of Mozzies...if you are near the river, a creek, or mudflats, there will be a lot more, but there are preventatives such as mosquito lamps and sprays you can use!

3. You only really have to worry about spider and snake bites if you are living or trekking in the bush or a bushy suburb.

4. Overall Brisbane is a GREAT place to live. I have lived in most of Australia's capital cities and I am in love with Brisbane. It is hear that I want to stay - great weather, great relaxed attitudes, great lifestyle and great times ahead!

2007-12-26 04:52:22 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

These are really idiotic questions but i'll answer. Is the humidity bad? Not really it gets hot but it's been touted as the best weather in Australia. Are there Mozzies? No. Snakes and Spiders? There are no snakes in Brisbane unless you live beside a snake zoo lol. Spiders? Well spiders are all over the world so obviously, but no there arn't many spiders. And overall, Yes it's a great place to live. If you have visited Melbourne, It's a lot like there.

2014-06-29 17:10:31 · answer #3 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0

It can get humid in Brisbane in summer, particularly near the coast, The further inland you are, the less humid it is. Mind you it also gets hotter inland than on the coast. There is no link between humidity and asthma. In fact the standard treatment for an asthma attack is to use a humidifier.

There are mosquitoes in Brisbane just as there are everywhere. Fly screens on doors and windows keep most of them out of the house and don't forget the aerogard when you are outside in the evening.

You don't have to worry about snake and spider bites at all. Most people have never seen a wild snake and redbacks keep to themselves. Wear gloves when gardening.

Brisbane is a lovely place to live.

2007-12-26 04:51:26 · answer #4 · answered by tentofield 7 · 1 0

Brisbane is a great place depending on weather you live in the city or out bush but the humity can get a bit high but its not exactly too bad....... snakes and spiders well spiders are very common no matter where you like but I've lived in QLD nearly all my life and only have had 2 or 3 snakes. It is a nice place to live near the beach is especially nice!!hope you enjoy it!


2007-12-26 06:16:24 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes, Yes if you are near water, not much I have never been bitten and only seen a snake twice in 40yrs, Yes Brisbane is ok, as long as you have a job that can sustain you. AUSTRALIA is a brilliant place to raise a family.

2007-12-26 07:23:51 · answer #6 · answered by Tayla T 2 · 0 0

1. Yes, if you have asthma get your family to move to Western Australia. My daughter spent months in hosptial because of the humidity.
2. No not really, no worse than anywhere else in Australia.
3. None, you can get those walking anywhere in the world
4. I lived in Melb, Brissy, Sydney, and WA twice, I love WA the most, well except for the 44 degrees we had today, but thankgod for airconditioning ha ha.
Good luck with the move

2007-12-26 04:49:20 · answer #7 · answered by todamnlovable 2 · 0 1

My family and I are moving to Brisbane early in 2008. Before making my decision, did extensive research - it also helped having family there to give advice, especially since they know what you are going through.

If you haven't already, go onto www.ourbrisbane.com they it is a stunning site.

If you need any further sources let me know and I'll forward them through to you via email.

2007-12-27 02:32:16 · answer #8 · answered by Wendy B 2 · 0 0

Wiki is your friend:


EDIT: Didn't know the drought was that bad... that sucks.

2007-12-26 04:46:55 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

perfect one day brilliant the next

2007-12-28 01:25:00 · answer #10 · answered by elmo 2 · 0 0