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I have tried a number of methods, but whenever I try to download a random video the download starts fine, but stops exactly after few seconds. Like it stops after downloading just 2-3 MB.

How do I rectify it? Has anyone experienced similar problems while trying to download from google? Its just extremely frustrating. I would appreciate any help. Can someone please suggest me a better good working method to download videos from google?

2007-12-25 20:25:15 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Computers & Internet Internet Google

1 answers

You may or may not be aware of the fact that different Internet sites use different formats and different video players as well.
Many times you may be required to download several different players so that you can view on line content.
I have Windows Media Player, Realplayer, Quicktime, Macromedia, and VLC.
With the wide range of video's that are created by several different sources I have found that with this group I have mentioned I very very rarely have any problems anymore viewing any content from the internet.
I find that using VLC as the default player it will play just about anything you run across, However in the advent you have a problem video one of the others steps right up and plays the content.
I suggest you Google for the downloads they all are free and will come direct from the compay that designed them thus eliminating a 3rd party and problems.

2007-12-25 20:45:11 · answer #1 · answered by Don M 7 · 0 0