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okay so you should no by now i am 14 and pregnant. well i model and do dance and occasionally take a couple acting classes.
well now that i am pregnant i cant take dance anymore i am completly bumed out about it. well today i went to go meet with my agent for a modeling shoot and when she saw me she said that they need to delay the shoot and she gave me a week to loose 6 pounds. but the thing is i am pregnant now and i am going to get fat soon so eventually i have to tell my agent i am pregnant chances are i will get fired right away.

How do i brake this to my agent? she says i am her best client and i make alot of money for the bussness

If i do get fired would i be able to get re hired after my baby is born?

would i be able to go back to dance class after my baby is born?

i need some advice

2007-12-25 18:56:56 · 18 answers · asked by Alexa Nicole 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

yes my parents know about the baby.

and yeah i am not a whore i no who the father is.

and for those of you saying you should of thought of that before you had sex...dont u think i realize that now

2007-12-25 19:11:06 · update #1

my body is capable of a pregnancy because i am 5'8 almost 5'9 most people dont think i am 14 alot of people think i am 18 or 19 years old because of the way i look i may be young but my body is already very mature. and i got my period when i was only 9 i no that doesnt matter but whatever

2007-12-25 19:14:30 · update #2

stop asking me why i am pregnant okay well guess what these things happen. i no i am 14 but he didnt pull out on time and i got pregnant whats done is done okay i cant change it now its not like i wanted to get pregnant

2007-12-25 19:20:01 · update #3

18 answers

Hard truth!!! If you loose weight. Then yes you might get re-hired. and might go back to dance. But chances are you might get stretch marks. Your screwed then cause you really won't get modeling jobs then! Dance however is a possiblilty. But you are so young your schedule is toooooo full!!!! you should have been a kid for so much longer but with all that crap I hope you had to grow up quick so that you can be a good mother to this child cause it sounds to me that you have already choosen to support this child. Hopefuly you and the father can do it together!!! And I hope you know who he is!

edit* I am not saying that you don't know the father but there are so many girls that come on here and say they don't know. Is he going to be a part of the kids life. does he know??????

2007-12-25 19:04:37 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Having a child won't ruin your career, it will just postpone it. You are very young but I am not going to preach to you because I am sure thats not the reason you have come onto here. Everybody makes mistakes.

The best thing you can do is be a good mum to your baby, and once the baby is old enough to go to nursery, perhaps just a couple of days a week, you could then get back into your modelling and dancing. I am sure if you are that valuable to your agency they would re-hire you, if not then I'm sure you wouldn't have any trouble finding a new agency?

Just remember that your baby has to be your number 1 priority from now on but that doesn't mean you can't achieve your dreams, it will just be a little harder and take a little longer.

2007-12-25 21:45:53 · answer #2 · answered by megan 2 · 0 0

gosh, you are too young to be having sex let alone a baby.
It is your choice......hurt your baby and lose 6 pounds. A teenage pregnancy is already very risky. And to try and keep a chance of a career going is foolish, eventually you will show.
Get some adult help. Your parents, your doctor.
Really, I am a nurse and teenage pregnancy isn't good for the body or the baby.
Take time off to be healthy and deliver your baby and find a family who can't have children and adopt out your baby. Children shouldn't not be having children.

Hiding your pregnancy will hurt you more in the long run. Get support from your family and doctor. I am against abortion, but very pro adoption. I have an adopted daughter whos mother wasn'[t able to care for her. She is the love of my life.

Please don't become a mother at this age.

After the baby your body should get back in to shape if you eat well and exercise.

and stop having sex, you are barely out of childhood yourself. I know at your age I thought I was all grown up. But I was wrong.

2007-12-25 19:05:43 · answer #3 · answered by clcalifornia 7 · 0 0

You are just a baby yourself! My oldest will be 14 in a little over a month, this just makes me so incredibly sad for you.

Listen to yourself. You made a very adult decision, to have sex and then to have unprotected sex, at that! Your concerns are modeling? Dancing? Is your career over? Your concerns are those of a child. You obviously do not comprehend what has changed in your life.

You owe it to your agent to tell her that you are pregnant, especially since you are still trying to book jobs. Are you carrying this baby? It sounds like you are, you cannot lose the 6 lbs. It is not just about you anymore, you have an unborn child growing in you. It's not longer about you losing weight to get jobs, it's now about taking care of your child. Your agent is going to say whatever to keep the money rolling in; however, a good agent will let you know that you need to take care of other things in your life. Dance, sure dance afterwards, but you might not have the time. Raising a child is a 24/7 job, with no pay. You might need to start working to support your child.

Do your parents know? Do not hide this from them, they do not deserve to have it sprung on them at the last minute- 'oh mom, can you take me to the hospital, my contractions are 5 mins apart' is NOT the way to tell them.

Where is the "father" in all of this. You didn't get pregnant on your own. He's responsible too. Have you been tested for STD's? HIV? Are you aware that unprotected sex is a factor in cervical cancer? I have cancer, not cervical cancer, but a form of leukemia, trust me, cancer is not a fun experience.

You really need help, you just don't have any idea of the seriousness of the situation you are in, you need good medical care and emotional support. You also need to stop and take focus and accept responsibility for this situation.

Oh and you aren't getting "fat" when you are gaining weight for your pregnancy. You are nourishing your child. You need to talk to the doctor about healthy weight gains and healthy food choices, cut out the caffeine. Junk food is not a great option and eat several small healthy meals a day.

Please find a trustworthy ADULT- to talk to and please tell your parents and the boy should be telling his parents as well.

If you need to talk to someone, please email me. I will not criticize, but I won't baby you either. It's easy to point out the obvious to you right now.

Now is the time for you to really understand how serious of a situation you are in and you will not be able to do this alone. The medical care is expensive and you will need help finding sources to help you take care of yourself and your baby.

2007-12-25 19:22:51 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

stop being selfish and put the baby first. If its meant to have a career, it will come with time and patience. The baby is your first priority. Tell your agent to shove it!!! God blessed you with a baby and a lot of women wish they could have kids, so consider yourself lucky. Its done and over with now so even though you are young, im sure your parents will help you raise the baby and then when the baby is born, you can go back to dancing and modeling. The baby comes first..... I will pray for you:)
Good Luck

2007-12-25 20:23:59 · answer #5 · answered by Lovely 4 · 0 0

Hunny, you gotta look at the bigger picture. Will you want to go back to modeling and dancing, a career that may keep you away from your child for long periods? Will you have the energy? Will you get your shape back? So many things will change, at your age, your career will probably have to go on the back burner. What you may try if you are willing, is modeling your baby. You know the business, its not a bad idea. Anyway, good for you, that you had the integrity to keep the baby and not compromise its health by overexerting yourself...

2007-12-25 19:54:14 · answer #6 · answered by answermesweetly 4 · 0 0

i don't think she'll fire you just because you got pregnant, but you have to tell her, or she'll keep bringing you in for work. And after you have the baby you can keep dancing. A lot of professionally dancers have families of their own and that didn't stop them. As for modeling, you could still do that after birth too, but since i know nothing of the modeling world, I'm not sure.

Talk to your agent.

2007-12-25 19:45:58 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You are just going to have to tell her. She probably wont fire you. She may put you on leave until after the baby is born. There shouldn't be any reason that you can't resume dance after you have the baby as long as you have someone that is willing to babysit for you. You will have to wait until you go for your check up after you have the baby but I'm sure you Dr. wont have a problem with you going back to dancing as soon as your healed. When you go for your next check up ask your Dr. how long after having the baby you need to wait.

2007-12-25 19:06:30 · answer #8 · answered by sara 3 · 0 0

You need to tell them.. You can't do harsh physical activity and maintain a healthy pregnancy,.. By all means you can still dance but not all hardcore.
And do NOT lose weight!! That is very unhealthy for your baby.

Yes you can get rehired.
Yes you can dance after your baby is born, it is a good way to lose the baby weight.

Do your parents know? I hope so.

Your career isn't over, it;s just going to be much harder to acheive.

2007-12-25 19:04:09 · answer #9 · answered by ανєяу'ѕ мσмму 5 · 1 0

ur life is what u make it..... p.c.. something n pass with it. if it dusn't artwork attempt lower back cos wen one million door closes yet another opens. as far as very own life is going i've got self assurance thers sum1 available 4 every1 n u meet finally.(sounds slightly bollywoodish....i be responsive to) take on a daily basis with an outstanding innovations-set n pass away something 2 god!

2016-10-02 08:44:57 · answer #10 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0