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These are the things that have gone completely wrong with me and that fast food restuartant.
*gave me someones else's food
*made me pay for someone else's food
*gave me pink meat
*forgot half my food
*the guy forgot to give me my money back
*i was food poisoned
Most of these happened all at one visit, the others happened seperatly, but man i got the worst service ever! lol, just wordering, tell me your storys with fast food resturants. And also any problems with Wendy's? =)
p.s. the little girl scares me =(

2007-12-25 16:10:32 · 18 answers · asked by Nikki 2 in Dining Out Fast Food

18 answers

I was reverse-profiled at Wendy's once - treated poorly and ignored by a black employee (I am white) while she took care of other black people who came in after me.

2007-12-25 16:20:03 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I never did care for Wendy's. Food's not that good to me. Only mediocre at best. I remember a few years back, I ordered some grilled chicken sandwich. I bit into it and the whole middle was completely RAW. I mean raw. How the hell is it cooked entirely on the outside and raw in the middle? Ever since then I've been over Wendy's. The food and the service are nowhere near spectacular.

2007-12-26 01:00:02 · answer #2 · answered by Nikki S 4 · 1 0

well i work at wendys. and we had some complaints, but some of it isnt our fault. like the other day this dad order three sandwiches and he said NO PICKLE. he said make sure there is no pickle on any of them. and i said okay. and thats how i rung it up. and i repeated the order and he said it was good. they got their food, then the mom came back pissed off because the sandwiches had stuff on them and that the dad said plain. of course i apologized and we remade them.

there are two wendys in the two i live in, and a wendys in a little town right beside us. i strongly believe the wendys i work at is the best out of the three. the one in the other two, is very slow, rude workers, and cold food. fourteen people quit in one week from that one store. the other store in the same town, i always had to wait for my food or it was cold. one time i waited for twent minutes because they gave our food to the wrong people!! and they have no urgency. im not saying the one i work at is perfect, because no fast food place is perfect, im just saying we are more careful about alot of stuff then the other stores are.

when you have that many problems, i would get ahold of the corporate office about it.
the little girl doesnt scare me....its the guys in that red wig that scares me! haha
have a good day!

2007-12-26 09:02:00 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Oh man they need to close the Wendys here. They are awful

Forget half my order most of the time
Make you wait forever
Look at you nuts if you ask for a straw
Gave wrong amount of money back
Forgot money back
Dropped money on ground and made me get it
Greasy food

2007-12-26 08:17:14 · answer #4 · answered by hsmommy06 7 · 0 0

depends. if yer in MA the problem is only one @ Wendy's and is the same no matter where u go. a lot of spanish workers w/ thick accents so u can't understand them or they make u wait an hour while they wait on spanish people that came in after u. I go to Wendy's out of MA once a year and have no problems

2007-12-30 14:04:49 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I've had a lot of those problems before. They'll charge us too much, ring us up for stuff we didn't order, screw up the order, give us wrong drinks, give us others food, and tons of stuff.

Besides all that, the worst thing was there was a dead fly in my cheeseburger wrapper! I opened the cheeseburger wrapper and was going to bite it when I saw a black thing on the side of the bun. I looked at it, and it was a dead fly! It was so disgusting to find that!

2007-12-26 01:52:15 · answer #6 · answered by Maria 3 · 0 0

Every franchise is different. It is the fault of the individual owner and who he employs. It is not the fault of the entire chain. Like all fast food restaurants it is a low paying entry job. People don't stay there long. If something better comes along they are gone.

2007-12-30 23:56:01 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes, last week at 1:30 a.m. a friend of mine decided she wanted a burger . . . and Wendy's was closed!
(Don't tell her but Wendy and I were glad.)
Well, speaking of 1:30, it's 12:30 a.m. and I'm tired. Good night.

2007-12-26 00:23:05 · answer #8 · answered by worldinspector 5 · 0 0

Well they made me wait in the parking lot for my order for like 10 minutes once.

2007-12-26 00:16:25 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

They almost short changed me once, but it was probably because part of my payment included a coupon, which threw off the drive thru attendant.

2007-12-26 21:29:21 · answer #10 · answered by mina74 5 · 0 0