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what do i do? i started dating this boy. im 13 and hes 15.my mom made me dump him on christmas eve. but anyways he likes me and i like him and she gets mad to see me talk to him. what do i do. i mean is 2 years really that bad? how do i get her to understand im not her little girl anymore im growing up?

2007-12-25 13:00:32 · 19 answers · asked by **Sam**[[loves someone special]] 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

ive tried dating him secretly but they found out within a day

2007-12-25 13:06:43 · update #1

who said anything about a baby?

2007-12-25 13:19:16 · update #2

19 answers

I'm sorry but at 13 you are her little girl still. You might be growing up but there is no way you are emotionaly mature enough to handle dating and relationships. Enjoy being a kid while you have the chance. Men make life more complicated than you will ever belive. At your age 2 years is a HUGE difference. If you were in your 20s or 30s it wouldnt be a big deal but right now it is. Dont rush into boy/girl relationships if you like this boy now in 2 years you may like him still and date him then. I'm sorry but your mom is right on this one.

2007-12-25 13:06:42 · answer #1 · answered by shannonlbuck 3 · 1 0

just remember like other people have said your mom was 13 at 1 time. so this is nothing new. and i hate to sound like an old person{I'm 30) but things have changed alot in recent times and boys at 15 have alot more on their minds than playing Bingo. but f you are a responsible teenager and have good grades and give you parents nothing to worry about try talking to her and maybe you can come up with some kind of resolution. maybe like a "date night " at your home with them present. if he is a good guy they will see that. but also remember 13 is a little young to be having a baby just because he says he loves you.

2007-12-25 21:16:22 · answer #2 · answered by boopn6869 2 · 1 0

Hon, i'm sorry you are going through a rough time.

Sometimes moms think a boy of 15 is "too old" for someone 13... i guess it depends upon the kids.

You are growing up, yes... and i think your mom would like to see you do that successfully... maybe she has feelings that this guy might be too "fast" for you or something?

I'm not sure, but i know it's rough for you... maybe you can do things with other friends and stay busy to try and keep your mind off things?

I wish i had a better answer...

2007-12-25 21:10:20 · answer #3 · answered by letterstoheather 7 · 1 0

well no 2 years isnt bad but still just think your only 13, the same age as my sister and you still are a little gurl!!!! way to young for dates, just be friends and in a couple of years after uve both matured alittle bit then go for it if you are really great together then it will be even better after youve waited a while! plus all hes probably worried about is gettin some action, or atleast thats were it will lead. he just hit puberty! give him 2 years to get used to the part of him that has grown!

2007-12-25 21:42:57 · answer #4 · answered by lea 2 · 1 0

Sorry, you're not going to hear what you want.

There are plenty of ways to still see him, but in doing so you'll lose the trust of your mom. Why risk that for a boy who is probably only going to be a phase.

In time, you'll be old enough to make your own decisions on who you date. Your mom is just trying to show you who's really worth waiting for.

Don't risk the trouble that your situation is bound to bring.

Trust me...in due time...you will be "grown" and you'll wish that your 13 again.

2007-12-25 21:11:12 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Ohh goodness. I'm 13 and was dating a 15 year old. I discussed it with my mom and she didn't care after I showed her reasoning. We dated for about 2 and a half months, and boy oh boy do I regret that. He was always pressuring me into things I didn't want to do (like sex, which I refused) and he would always try to get in my pants (like almost every other teenage boy). For example: His mom bought us fair tickets to go to the fair together and I wanted his mom to go because me and her were really close, well we were walking around and I said something like "what do you wanna do next" (meaning rides and so fourth) and he said "baby, i wanna do you" really loud. Oh god do I regret that boy. It's not worth it trust me. I'm staying single for a longggg time now, I'm scared to get into a relationship now.

2007-12-26 16:02:36 · answer #6 · answered by semper fi--always faithful<3 3 · 0 0

Well, being a mother of a 14 year old girl, I do think that 13 is too young to date. All her friends are dating already and they all seem to have unnecessary life issues that could've waited a few years or so. I have no problem with my daughter going out to movies, malls, parties, etc. with boys but to date? I just feel that she has a whole life ahead of her to date boys. Of course, I can't watch her 24/7, but I certainly am not going to encourage/approve her to date boys.

2007-12-25 21:08:05 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

You must understand that your mother loves you and wants the best for you.

Yes two years difference is alot at your age. Trust your mother and understand that she is trying to protect you. She was 13 once and knows that this world now is so very dangerous and this 15 year old needs to date girls his own age.

2007-12-25 21:06:31 · answer #8 · answered by Clueless 5 · 1 0

just because ur not a little girl anymore and that u are growing up doesn't mean that the boy u are dating is as "mature" as u are. I guess ur mom does not really trust u because of ur young age and she definitely doesnt trust that boy.

2007-12-25 21:09:14 · answer #9 · answered by MaDeInCaLi 2 · 0 1

2 years is really not that much if you think about it she probably just doesnt want to you to grow up. if you are her last girl or last child she prolly does not want u to grow up. i had that same problem with my mom. she wouldnt let bous call my house or let me go out with them.I sat my mom down and told her that nothing will change if i have a boyfriend or if one calls my house. i actually had my father talk to my mom now i can. im also 13. So i know how you feel.
Sit down and talk with her about why you cant go out with him. and that you are growing up to be a woman.

Best of luck :)

2007-12-25 21:08:06 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1