I'm only 26, yet in the last short 4-5 years I went from college "kid" to "sir," and I'm pretty wealthy and have tried everytihng from losing weight, exercizing, highlighting/dying my hair, I even got plastic surgery, nose job/chin implant, and i'm going in to get my cheeks and under eyelids done, and that's not to mention all the nice designer clothing and cosmetics I use, and yet,
I still look my age, if not older, and there's like nothing I can do to make it stop.
When people call you "sir," and you're only in your early to mid 20s, is that a respect thing, or is it because you look like someone's dad, and you're now old?
Can you still be my age, look older, get called sir, and go out have fun, and club, and go shopping, or will people look at you weird?
I honestly never expected to be so "over" so soon, but I literally feel it. It sucks.
I'm healthy, eat right etc, and nothing seems to be working.
Is aging just inevitable, and should i throw in the towel?
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Beauty & Style
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Even for a guy I know that there are certain makeups, cosmetics, hair styles that can make you "appear" younger, but everytime I see these old geezers I think oh f*ck, I'm going to end up like that, and every year it seems to be closer and closer to that, and I'm just starting to serously fear it.
I can't accept it! I feel like I went from high school to middle aged overnight.
And yet some 40 year olds like Jamie Foxx look 16 again.
Is it all genetics?
What can I do?
I'm going crazy.
HGH shot maybe? lol.
03:31:24 ·
update #1
Just a few years ago I used to wear Abercrombie & Fitch outfits and look damn good in them, now, I look like an idiot.
Ugh. someone help
I guess I could just act and dress my age, and how old i LOOK, but still.
I'm really deperssed right now.
I know it's silly but I am.
Some people go on American Idol my age and look like kids, and I'm bordering on Taylor Hicks image. :-(
03:33:18 ·
update #2