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As the congratulations and recriminations are offered, proffered and levied at one another over just who is the most global warming minded member of your party, remember the people of southern Sudan; northern Uganda and Burma.

Ask yourself which is the more pressing and immediate concern:
actual human suffering or the UN and Gore's new found piety.

Merry Christmas

2007-12-24 23:55:31 · 6 answers · asked by Doctor DNC 6 in Politics & Government Politics

6 answers

i'm not saying the suffering of the peoples in these countries is not tragic and important, but global warming is more important as it affects the whole world. if our priorities were in order we would be more concerned about what is happening in these countries and would have left the oil-rich middle east alone. imho

2007-12-25 00:53:03 · answer #1 · answered by ben j 3 · 2 3

Amen. The sad fact is that Al and the global warming crew are generating money, so the interest lies there. People like to either support or deride GW because it gives them a sense of participation in something that requires no real committment. Facing the actual, pressing human problems of some third world nations would require a committment to finding a way to eradicate the corruption that plagues the countries where most of the people live from one meager meal to another - a committment most people aren't willing to make, when there's nothing in it for them.

Merry Christmas to you, too.

2007-12-25 08:06:59 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

I am a Multi task-er and I can work on both things at the same time.As a concerned citizen I think both things are important. I have a few other issues here at home I am deeply concerned about as well.

Merry Christmas

2007-12-25 08:24:31 · answer #3 · answered by RELAX 4 · 3 2

I have watched and listened to several stunning reports and interviews recently that completely bust the lie about global warming and man's involvement . I never did believe the lie however now there's more and more concrete proof that man is not likely to be responsible. . . that global warming is even an issue. . . . . and certainly that no man can prove that mankind can do anything to reverse whatever weather may come .

Merry Christmas !!

2007-12-25 08:19:24 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 3 4

You'll never catch Democrats like Gore actually giving any of their own millions, to help people.

They just Talk about the Taxpayers giving more.

2007-12-25 08:17:40 · answer #5 · answered by everbrook 4 · 3 3

Well, my Christmas tree is green and so is my money but that's as far as I will take the green thingy.

2007-12-25 08:40:27 · answer #6 · answered by Ken B 6 · 1 5