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As we approach the supposedly-'first death anniversary' of Saddam Hussein (of Iraq), I question everyone when they mention that he is dead!

No; he is definitely not! It all went like this:

When the Allied forces, led by George Bush's USA, invaded and entered Baghdad, Saddam Hussein was waiting for them in his palace. Later, when he was, how shall I put it, 'captured', days later he was whisked away to Russia, to the Black Sea port of Odessa. Russia was paid 10$m-100$m to look after him henceforth.

All this was done by George Bush, the current president of the USA.

Can anyone challenge this statement?

2007-12-24 23:50:55 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

17 answers

There is no way to prove whether he died or didn't die. For all we knew, that could have been his double who was hanged! Besides, the video was quite blurry. I don't think we will ever know what happened to him, but one thing is for sure: He won't do any more harm to anyone.

2007-12-25 02:31:27 · answer #1 · answered by -NOBAMA- 3 · 0 1

I love conspiracy theories, but this one is absurd.

There is no doubt that the man they put on trial for over a year was Saddam Hussein. Can you imagine how many people at that trial could have spotted a phony? All Saddam's lieutenants and aids were on trial along with him, and they would have turned in an imposter in a heartbeat!

No one could have been such a perfect double for Saddam. His body, face, and voice cannot be perfectly duplicated.

Who exactly do you think that was hiding in the "spider hole"? A fraud? No, Saddam's people know him unmistakably, and this was the guy they were protecting with all their effort.

Lastly, they even published the death photos just to assure everyone, even conspiracy theorists, that Saddam really is dead.

Face it, Saddam is dead. No mystery, no intrigue.

2007-12-24 23:57:30 · answer #2 · answered by pachl@sbcglobal.net 7 · 5 1

I will challenge it with more fantasy, while transporting Saddam Air force one crashed and the President along with Hillary and Putin went into the red sea and swam to Israel where President bush and Hillary were married by a Russian priest and Saddam swam to Cuba were he was made to look like Fidel's Brothe Raul who suddenly looked like Chavez and that is why Sean Penn goes down there and sleeps with him.

2007-12-25 00:17:06 · answer #3 · answered by Heaven J Daddy 4 · 1 1

Yes I can. I have undeniable proof that he was put aboard an alien spaceship and is now living at the top secret U S Government base on Venus. But if I tell anyone about it I'm a dead man so, ssshhhhhhhhhhh.

2007-12-25 00:49:44 · answer #4 · answered by Ken B 6 · 2 0

It's possible that the hanging of Saddam was a hoax. After all, if you could stage a moon landing you certainly could stage a necktie party. Special effects have improved 10,000% since the late 1960s so it's not hard to believe that 'what we see' isn't always 'what we get'. Personally I 'believe' that the moon landing was real and the hanging was as well, but these days my nine year old grandson can 'Photo-Shop' as easily as I could load a cap gun when I was his age. The truth is out there, but so is illusion. There very well could be 'a man behind the curtain'. No kiddin'!

2007-12-25 00:16:56 · answer #5 · answered by Noah H 7 · 0 3

What do you mean challenge? That's exactly all it is, its a statement. A statement which holds no validity. A personal mans belief in which only the man stating it believes. Many statements are made. Some made directly and others passed on. So I guess its not to be challenged, but more or less to be believed, if one chooses to.

2007-12-24 23:57:53 · answer #6 · answered by Daniel R 4 · 3 1

What ever happened to Saddam's look alikes?

Oh...they were spouting propaganda the whole time?

2007-12-25 00:32:27 · answer #7 · answered by Arcanum Noctis 5 · 0 0

Your idiotic complution to even fathom such a lie, is disgusting and stupid. Saddam Hussein is dead, and as a Sunni Muslim I condemn the jerk.

2007-12-24 23:57:30 · answer #8 · answered by Brayden 5 · 4 1

i can answer your question.you are a number one nut case.did you come here on a space ship.prove that he is;nt dead if you can.other wise just go home and play with your little toy soldiers.

2007-12-25 00:32:09 · answer #9 · answered by bigjon5555 4 · 0 0

Makes as much sense as Global warming.

2007-12-25 00:21:30 · answer #10 · answered by granddad1070@sbcglobal.net 6 · 1 1