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What is the biological difference between the two which may support the answer?

2007-12-24 22:37:36 · 8 answers · asked by AKSHAT 1 in Arts & Humanities History

8 answers

There's not really a biological difference between them that would affect a decision. There are many variables though, like what situation is it and who is judging the decision. It depends on the individual person really.

2007-12-24 22:44:34 · answer #1 · answered by The_Girl_With_Kaleidoscope_Eyes 4 · 0 0

A question that has been asked many times. Here it is in a form to which there are no absolute answers. That is, the question apparently assumes that the range of biological attributes applicable to the two genders are always different in a sense that those assumed differences will absolutely direct decision making. Of course this isn’t so.

While we can make generalizations, such as men are generally larger and stronger than women, as with all generalizations this doesn’t hold as an absolute. There are always exceptions. There are differences that prove false that assumption when comparing between diverse ethnic groups. So biological physical attribute differences can’t be used.

Is there some biological difference (absolute to the species) that affects decision making in terms of role definition defined biologically? Again generalizations can be interesting but not absolute. Environment can change any role of any gender.

Clearly there is a biological absolute difference in the that women give birth and men do not and yet even here decision making can be similar determined but the situation. In the absent of men some women will assume the role that their particular culture would generally assign to men. The same is true with men. The reality of this is in the various prison systems around the world.

The idea that women are more emotional in their decision making and men more rational is certainly not an absolute and is more a product (to the degree that it exists) culture that biological.

Decision making is more a result of training. A man, or woman, trained to live within an urban environment will develop specific processes of decision making that will be totally alien in a rural environment. So too with the individual trained to live within an academic environment as opposed to one which is labor intensive. Of course any culture which regulates either gender to a lessor role will minimize that gender's ability to make decisions.

The real driving force here is the adaptability of the Homo Sapiens species in making decisions supportive of survivability. This has nothing to do with any value judgment of any singular decision act but rather the cumulative effect of thousands of decisions of the species.

I suggest that the question be reformulated with qualifiers and that would generate answers more appropriate, as would asking it in a more appropriate category as the first time the questioner asked this question.

2007-12-24 23:45:34 · answer #2 · answered by Randy 7 · 1 0

Neither One Sex/Gender Or The Other

It's a result of Socio-Cultural 'Conditioning' combined
with IQ and Education ... with perhaps a slight edge temperament wise, i.e. Male=Hunter/Protector/Provider vs Female=Nurturer (gender hard-wiring).

But you'd never know that looking at a Hillary Clinton with her taking 3 1/2 weeks to answer a simple "Yes or No" question about Drivers Licenses for "Illegal Aliens"or Nancy Pelosi ...

2007-12-24 23:16:38 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Depends on the question. Women are seen as answering from a more emotional side, where I think men answer from a more rational side.

2007-12-24 22:45:54 · answer #4 · answered by The Master 6 · 0 0

I agree with Kevin.
Women takedecisions depending on their feelings and emotions, but Men USUALLY take the decisions avoiding their emotions.

2007-12-24 23:01:33 · answer #5 · answered by ConanEdogawa 1 · 0 0

Men and women are more alike than not. Men have a feminine side and women have a male side. One day I was in touch with my male side and didn't have a wreck all day. Then I got back in touch with my feminine side and nagged myself to death.

2007-12-25 03:22:17 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

in my opinion..men. (with an open mind) those who are openly objective to all possibilities of the situation at hand. women tend to judge emotionally to situations. sometimes it works but sometimes it's not the best answer for the situation.

2007-12-24 22:52:12 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Randy nailed it.

2007-12-25 03:45:08 · answer #8 · answered by pepsi_chugger8899 4 · 0 0