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i have bad past that i have spent money on unnessessary things.

2007-12-24 18:36:19 · 6 answers · asked by Nasir A 1 in Social Science Psychology

6 answers

Its hard to consciously forget things, however you can make things not bother you any more. I will explain this to you. Think of something that is totally false, something to stupidly false, that is absolutly not true. And notice where in your minds eye is the picture? is it in the center or left or right or top bottom where is it? Now clear your mind, and think of anything else to take your mind off it. Now think about your past bad thing, and notice where is the location of this memory? its different isnt it! What i want you to do, is take this memory, and slide it to the other position where the false memory was, and make this memory the same size, shape, and distance away from you as the false memory. Now make the picture a still image if its not already, also make it black and white, and shrink it a little, and push it further away from you. Do this for any bad memory, and you will find they dont bother you as much. btw, if the memory is of you looking through your own eyes, change it so you can see your self in the image, as if you are looking at a security camera of the event. This works, and is a very powerful technique. Please only do this on negative memories, else you will take the fun out of life if you use this on a good memory.

2007-12-25 11:35:04 · answer #1 · answered by UUG 3 · 1 0

We have all spent money on unneccessary things. Trust me. I know people who literally throw away sh**tloads of money. We all have the right to buy things that provide pleasure at that moment. Why not? You work for your money, it's your right to spend it, and nobody can ( or should )tell you otherwise. You just need to have an order in your priorities, and decide how much of your earnings you can afford to spend.

2007-12-25 03:11:56 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Just look at the good things of the past and youll see! it'll work!

2007-12-25 04:32:33 · answer #3 · answered by Annika A 3 · 1 0

You have to be clear abt it first,
n tell us wt is that abt..
u can tell me personaly,
i wont charge anything n i m psycologist,,,

i will help u as much i can..

Past memories,solutions are alot,bt i need to knw wt is the past memory

2007-12-25 03:29:15 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I suggest to just say to yourself "F it!". After all, you are only here once, just try to get something positive out of the situation. You cant take it with you.

2007-12-25 02:42:26 · answer #5 · answered by Headiedoll 5 · 2 0

you can't, If you could remained busy yourself, then it is possible to some extent.

2007-12-25 02:54:17 · answer #6 · answered by Rana 7 · 1 0