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20 answers

NO excuse. I mean I have dust bunnies. I evicted them but they still refuse to leave. Perhaps I can get the " Dustanater" to come over and help.
My mother in law kept a very filthy house and every time we would go to visit, my husband would stay at least two hours after she would go to work and would clean the ENTIRE house. He couldn't stand it.
Just do a little bit everyday and keep up on it. If everybody pitches i, it wouldn't be soo bad.
My kids all have chores. They started chores at age 2. If their old enough to walk they are old enough to be helpers.
Merry Christmas!!

2007-12-25 06:42:36 · answer #1 · answered by beanhead1972((14HIM)) 6 · 1 0

Some people are so judgemental. =/

Well, it's definitely sad to hear of anyone living in a messy home. It's not healthy, and not a pleasant environment. But, as for excuses... Some people don't have time to clean as well as they'd like. Some people may be ill - physically, or mentally. Depression can take a LOT out of a person. They could be used to living in a "messy" home, and wouldn't be comfortable any other way.

Really, who is to say what is "messy" and what is "tidy"? We all have our own ideas and preferences as to how clean and tidy our home should be. =)

2007-12-24 16:09:51 · answer #2 · answered by ~♥Sasha♥~ 5 · 3 0

The only excuse I see is not being physically able. Elderly people that are down on health and not the oh, I have a headache, but the real health issues can't upkeep their house, and honestly their children want them in a rest home probably. It's okay for toys to be out of place during the week, but come Friday night, you should be cleaning up and putting misplaced objects away. Besides that no.

2007-12-24 17:47:29 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I am tidy enough as things go in general clean as you go muddle makes muddle. But the dust is relentless and gets everywhere, but one must keep at it, You can compare it to weeds in the garden a blooming nuisance.

No excuse for dirt / filth / grime !!!!!!!!!

2007-12-24 16:13:45 · answer #4 · answered by mailliam 6 · 1 0

I know of one 60-something male who lives in hole he dug
within sandstone bedrock exposure within an urban area.
His plastic sufficies for meal & other purchases. The public
use facilities offer potable water and toilet. He has thermal
insulation within his narrow burrow, I'm told, that body heat alone keeps him "... snug as a bug". He has former furnace
iron door fitted in passer-by view to keep out the odd sods.
It is public knowledge that the land title was purchased for a few coins and present owner remains solvent 'tho soiled.
He needs no excuse. You won't fit in for tea's.

2007-12-24 16:45:27 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Mrs. othergary believes that dust is Gods will. If you dust it comes back. Dust again... it comes back. Therefore it's Gods will.

I think she's just lazy.

2007-12-24 15:54:02 · answer #6 · answered by Voice of Reason 5 · 1 0

Does it really matter? No one else lives here. No one ever comes here. Its too cold to get out of bed.

2007-12-24 16:08:23 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

sounds like my place. try working 80-90 hrs/week then take care of every little problem that turns up at you mothers house because she is too old to take care of them herself. and then take care of fixing your fathers bulldozer/tractors/pans because hes to old to fix them and then take care of your sisters plumbing in the fixer uper house she bought because that is all she can afford. then to make the time to take care of getting rid of the dust bunnies in your place. the only one that comes here is me and my dog. please pray tell me when i am supposed to do all that nice nice shi t to my place. when you can keep my schedule without cracking and then keep your place tidy come to me and ask me again. you are not as busy and never will be.

2007-12-24 15:58:54 · answer #8 · answered by tom5251972 4 · 5 0

kids? injury? no money for maid? 'cause you were raised in a barn? or maybe you have a messy roommate and you're not home that often?

2007-12-24 15:54:45 · answer #9 · answered by ? 6 · 3 0

Your missing the point if it is a happy home dirt doesn't matter.

2007-12-24 16:01:52 · answer #10 · answered by D 7 · 2 1