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ok. so i'm very shy around certain people and totally not shy around others. i think it has 2 do wit the fact that i'm afraid of ppl thinking i'm self obsessed or not liking me. i'm super self conscious and i'm always afraid of stranger's thoughts. especially boys! does anyone no y this is happening 2 me? how can i get rid of my shyness!? i hate it! it keeps me from doing x-treme things and i luv x-treemness! i also luv 2 just talk really loud, escpecially with my friends, but wen i'm round strangers, i pop back into my shell and say not a single word! HELP ME!!!!!!!! how can i get over my shyness, but still have ppl like me 4 me?

2007-12-24 15:17:32 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Social Science Sociology

5 answers

Hi D.C, Yours is a tricky situation, being "shy" around certain people, though not unusual. In my many "wasted" hours of sleeplessness as I surf the WWW, I come across similar questions and pleas for help, though the same advice rarely works twice. Peopl are individual.
However, I have compiled a few helpful tips and maybe there's one or two of them that could help in your situation. This is a link to my Multiply site, fingers crossed, you may find what you are looking for.


Feel free to add any comments.

2007-12-28 00:30:59 · answer #1 · answered by ~☆ Petit ♥ Chou ☆~ 7 · 0 0

You need to believe in yourself. Apparently you are not self confident enough and so you can start by thinking, being and acting positive when around strangers. Note that you are your own critic in these situations as you engage in negative thoughts which makes you feel unworthy of others. However you should try and let go of what others think of you- just be yourself and embrace your unique being. You can also practice to create small talk to break the tension.

2007-12-25 22:23:42 · answer #2 · answered by Starr 1 · 0 0

If you are out in public and someone wants to meant or get to know you, don't be afraid. Get out there in life and take changes as they come. Yes when you first meat a person they are a stranger, but once you get to know them; don't see them as a stranger anymore.Think more positively about yourself meeting more people.

2007-12-24 23:23:08 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Being shy has to do with one feeling inferiority. You feel that they are better than you. Forget what people think. Life is short, so live it up.

2007-12-25 02:04:24 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

here's a very simple yet the most effective way.
you should try and experience. period. ^_^

2007-12-28 04:34:14 · answer #5 · answered by Timawa 6 · 0 0