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Ok I have been trying to get a job for some time but luckly I made some money over the summer and I was able to use it for a while then I didnt really have much then after that but I live with my dad so I was doing alright. I opened up an online buisness and made about $100.00 in 1 1/2 weeks selling these doll books I make which is better then I thought and gave me some money for Christmas gifts and I put some back. Then I got interviewed two days ago and they called today and said I am hired at a resturaunt in town. On top of that two week ago I filed for unemployment because I wasnt working at the time so they should be sending me about $120.00. But I owe my dad around $80.00 from other exspensise that I had when I had no money and I plan on giving it to him when I get my unemployment and my first paycheck from work. But I have been wanting this collectors doll for a long time and I found one on ebay and I want it so bad I was like this is an amazine deal I wish I had the money then.

2007-12-24 14:00:22 · 1 answers · asked by blythebliss 1 in Games & Recreation Toys

I looked and saw an add for eBay master card. You can buy your first purchase of over $50.00 and make no payments for 3 months. There is no monthly fee, set up fee, or yearly fees. No intrust as long as I pay off the bill one the three month period is up.

Here is the link to the info page:

Now I am wondering if I should get the doll and I’m afraid I might not come a crossed a deal like this in 3 months when I have the money so I thought I should do this. I am really good with credit cards as I have one and only made a few purchases on it for selling items on e-bay so I maybe spend $2.00 on it and my thought of mind normally is if you don’t have the money don’t get it but in this situation I really want to do it but idk… errggg the doll total price with shipping and insurance will be less then $100

2007-12-24 14:00:36 · update #1

so I thought If I put back a lot of my pay and a lot of my money I make from my business I will defiantly have the money in three months, but I am not sure how long it takes to make the purchase once I sign up because if the e-bay sale is over before I can get it, then it wont even be worth my time. Sorry this is so long I just don’t know what to do.

2007-12-24 14:00:52 · update #2

1 answers

You say you already have a credit card that you used to make eBay purchases with. So, why not use that card to purchase your doll instead of getting another credit card?? Or ask your dad to front you the money?

I only say this because credit cards, no matter how great they sound, can get you into a lot of trouble very quickly. Especially if you're young and don't have a job (I know you said you were hired somewhere, but until you actually start working here, you don't have the job) or even a steady job.

Seeing as how I can relate to your situation, It's very difficult to say what I would do. I've been at the point where I've said "I really need that, but can't afford it, so I'll open a credit card accoutn just for that one item. That one item can quickly become two items, then 6, or 8, or even 10, and so on. It's easy to get wrapped up in credit cards and get yourself in trouble at the same time. If you already have a credit card account somewhere, why open another card account? And another, and another.....

2007-12-24 14:36:11 · answer #1 · answered by DH 7 · 0 0