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Thank you so so much~
Lol I hope somebody out there knows..

2007-12-24 11:26:02 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Travel Africa & Middle East Morocco

4 answers

Actually most of the pharmacists do open their own businesses and run it in Morocco...
Only few of them might work for medication aboratories and companies (but that's a minority)
US educated....it might help with US laboratories operating in Morocco (Pfizer, Schering,..) but the trend is getting down many people are coming back to Morocco with pharmacy degrees especially from Russia and Ukraine so the demand is less day after day...

Good Luck!

2007-12-24 17:30:54 · answer #1 · answered by GoergesBenson 3 · 4 0

All above are correct. With so many Moroccans opening their own pharmacies finding a good location and therefore making good money has become more difficult. But that is not to discourage you, if you love what you do, you will always find rewards and do well. If you are only going for the money...then I would reconsider. As for the American degree, that will only make a difference if you are going to work in a lab as someone said above.

2007-12-25 14:55:37 · answer #2 · answered by lou 3 · 3 0

Agree with above.
I hate to say it but it isn't the best job here or even that good of a job. It CAN pay well but you for sure need to own your own and be in prime location.
Of course you don't need loads of money to live here either :) It's worth a go!

2007-12-25 11:08:19 · answer #3 · answered by ~~∞§arah T∞©~~ 6 · 4 0

Georges had the right answer. Most pharmasists do open their own business. But if you do happen to work for one of them you probably wouldnt be making much.
So you might wanna open your own oneday when ur back!!

2007-12-24 23:52:47 · answer #4 · answered by FAICAL1982 3 · 1 0