1. is TRUE. The scratches and grooves left behind are called striations. Sometimes the grooves are deep enough to become lakes. Finger lakes, the Great lakes are caused by glacial erosion.
2. I would say A. Not much bothers granite, acid rain works more on limestone, etc. If water gets in the cracks and freezes, it expands, and will eventually crack the rock. Repeated freezing and thawing will eventually break the rock apart. Sometimes called frost shattering.
3. I am guessing at B, bedrock. Weathered bedrock is the basis for all soils. You have to have something already there to support the beginnings of plant life.
4. Gravity causes mass movement. Landslides, slumps, anything where large amounts soil and rock move as a unit. The other 3 choices are strictly erosion.
Edit 1, continuing...
5. This one is more ambiguous than the others. I would say B, a gully, mostly from downward erosion. An oxbow lake is a cut off meander from a meandering stream. A waterfall forms from water flowing over hard rock, then soft rock, eroding the soft rock away. A delta occurs at the mouth of a stream, when water flow drops and sediment drops out.
6. C, alluvial fan. The keyword is sediment as in stream formed. Divide and drainage basin are erosional features. A slump is mass movement not always associated with a stream.
7. A, deposition. The Nile and Mississippi rivers have huge deltas at their mouths (where they end and dump their sediment loads). The other three are removal processes.
8. Keywords: “wash or fall into a river”. Friction can cause erosion. Deposition is sediment dropping out of a stream, not into. Turbulence keeps sediment in suspension in a stream. Why is runoff muddy? Sediment washing off surrounding field soils, etc. Mass movement is gravity driven, moving soils, etc downward into the low valley and? Stream? C.
9. Not B, sand does not dissolve. Not D, depositing is not transporting. Fast flowing water can generally pick up and carry clay sized particles. But, sand particles are larger and heavier than clay particles. Unless it is a very fast stream, it will slide, push, roll, bounce, etc., sand particles along the stream bottom. C
Very wise person once said to me, “You don’t have to know everything, you just have to know where to look”. I did not give just A and B answers, but my reasons for choosing answers. It’s called analyzing the question. Follow this same philosophy in college and it will help you a great deal.
2007-12-24 11:03:10
answer #1
answered by Tom-PG 4
Glacial erosion is caused by rock embedded in the glacier being dragged along the surface of other rocks.
soil formation begins with the weathering of rock
2007-12-26 12:48:53
answer #2
answered by Thomas K 1
I highly suggest you open your text to the very back, look up the terms in the index or glossary, and read. This is simply a vocab test, nothing more, so the index or glossary holds all the answers you will need.
2007-12-24 18:02:44
answer #3
answered by lhvinny 7
It's a test, so you really should do it yourself. But I do have a problem with one of the questions: Removing non-renewable resources.....
None of the answers is right.
2007-12-24 19:07:25
answer #4
answered by busterwasmycat 7
Your question is why I absolutely refuse to help people with obvious homework questions....now get to work...
2007-12-24 20:36:44
answer #5
answered by Anonymous