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Also, where would you recommend we stay?

2007-12-24 09:01:26 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Travel United States Las Vegas

We plan to go to Vegas to visit family too. We don't plan to gamble or leave our kids w/sitters.

2007-12-26 06:12:20 · update #1

11 answers

Circus Circus is the cheapest [and the smelliest]

no matter where you stay it's gonna stink like cigarrettes!

I just got back from their today.

I highly reccomend you watch a show called "Le Reve" it is the most amazing thing I have ever seen in my life. Your kids may be scared if they watch "Blue Man Group" I am thirteen and I was a little scared.. haha.

and you can possibly stay at "New York New York" [my favorite]
In Circus Circus, go upstairs and there is a fun arcade where you will need lots of dollar bills, and your kids can play and win lots of stuffed animals.

You can take a little boat ride in front of the Venetian, and the guy will sing for you.

Oh! and I almost forgot! Take the Mirage tram [2 minute ride] and exit, and look at the signs and follow to the Secret Garden. There are Dolphins [baby dolphins too!], lions, tigers, and it's just plain amazing!

Your kids will like the Secret Garden.

Oh and don't forget to visit this cave thing with lots of attractions! There's tons of kids there. I don't remember what hotel it was in though.. sorry. Just ask someone. :)

Also go to the store called M&M World - it's a tad expensive but cool.

2007-12-24 14:42:06 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

There is not much to do in Las Vegas for children. Some people have recommended that you stay at Circus Circus. Please don't do that. Although they have amusements for children, the hotel is a complete DIVE. You may want to stay at the Rio (they have much larger rooms); Caesars (in the larger rooms); or some other strip hotel like the Venetian. You can take the kids to the wax museum at the Venetian; the movies; bowling (at the Rio); the M&M Store; and down to Circus Circus for the day...not to stay.

2007-12-24 10:17:35 · answer #2 · answered by philly_romantic 6 · 0 0

I live here in Vegas, you could take them to Circus Circus .or you could take them to the Excalibur downstairs they have a carnival like area with games and stuff they also have a magic motion machine ride. Or you could take them for a drive out to Red Rock, it's really pretty out there.Take them to the m&m factory on the strip. There's alot of stuff you can do with them. As for hotels I would recommend the Bellagio, Monte Carlo, The Venetian. All very nice hotels! Have fun in Vegas!

2007-12-24 09:35:58 · answer #3 · answered by caliandmichaelsmom 3 · 0 0

do no longer hear to those that say there is no longer something in Sin city for the toddlers. i've got been going to Vegas on relatives journeys for the reason that i became right into a wee one myself, until now the relatives friendly thoughts. of direction, I purely understand of the loose/ affordable ones. . . a million) Animals @ The Mirage (somebody has a Shark Reef) 2) M&Ms save 3) Any Themned eating place - - like the @ the Exalibur or MGM's Rainforest Cafe. 4) The dialogue board shops @ Cesars Palace have a huge toystore and a extensive aquarium, Oh and a lame Greek God instruct. 5) Treasure Island has a loose instruct in front of the on line casino the place the whole pirate deliver sinks. have exciting!

2016-10-09 03:48:16 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Vegas is not really oriented towards kids.
Although lots of family's with little kids end up here for one reason or another.
Most are with selfish parents who cant get a sitter
to watch their kids when they want to go to "Sin City"
so they drag the kids along.
I've been to Vegas at least once a year for the last 10 years
and always see parents dragging bored, tired and crying kids along.
Sure there are a few attractions for the family,
but they will soon run dry in a day or less.
Do yourself and your kids a favor and do not take the family to Vegas.
Take them to Disney World or Disney Land.
Not Vegas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-12-25 07:09:24 · answer #5 · answered by USMC Rando 5 · 0 1

LV for kids

Activities & Attractions

Great family activities
Fountains of Bellagio
Masquerade Show in the Sky - Rio - The girls can dress up and ride on one of the "sky floats" if they want($)
Lion Habitat - MGM - Photo with lion cub($)
Fantasy Faire Midway - Excalibur
Fremont Street Experience

Lied Childrens Museum
They have a hundred or so "hands ON" exhibits for the kids

Aquarium - Silverton - Thursday through Sunday they have Mermaids from 2pm-7pm

Forum Shops at Caesars Palace - FAO Schwarz, Disney, Warner Bros store, etc

The Orleans is a good hotel for families
Orleans has a "Kids Tyme".

Dolphin habitat - Mirage

The hotel swimming pool is always a popular destination for little ones.
Many are heated and open year round.

If you have more Q's - feel free to send me an e-mail.


2007-12-24 21:40:11 · answer #6 · answered by jack 7 · 0 0

There are lots to do in Vegas as far as entertaining kids are concerned. My kids 4 & 7yrs old love the attractions and activities in Las Vegas.

Here is a list http://www.lasvegas-how-to.com/entertain-kids.html

Here is another list of FREE attractions you and your kids might enjoy.

Hope this helps

2007-12-24 10:55:09 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Nothing. Excalibur or Circus Circus caters to the families.

2007-12-24 11:45:28 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

not much....i went to las vegas when i was 11 and it wasnt that great....sure theres the shows and Madame Tussauds but there are also a lot of "homeless" people and its very busy....not to mention there are many people who hand out pamphlets with porn and stuff.

but if you are persistent on going i would suggest treasure island.

2007-12-24 09:06:38 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

well its vegas i live in vegas and i would recommend to not take youre kids but if you have to circus circus

2007-12-24 09:05:07 · answer #10 · answered by moniquita 3 · 0 1