I really wouldn't do that. It has been tested on eyes and it does hurt them. You should stop right away and call the doctor if your eyes begin to itch, swell, or somthing like that!
Lightly brush a matching shade of eyeshadow over it this will make it stay longer. This will give you a more natural look and make your make up look done by a professional (if done right). You can also use a tiny bit of foundation as a base and then apply your eye make up.
Otherwise, you're probably either buying a cheap brand or applying too much. If you apply too much of anything it eventually becomes runny or streaky.
You can also try Colorstay by Revlon or a waterproof eyeliner! They may be a bit more expensive but... they work great!
BYW waterproof eyeliner only comes off with makeup remover not just water!
If you are willing to use liquid eyeliner try it... it stays on longer than pencil. But it does have a more bold aperence (but if that si what you like go for it).
If I would be to sujest the best eyeliner that stays on the longest I would have to say Almay!!
2007-12-24 09:01:11
answer #1
answered by Lindsey 4
I found this eyeliner that is used for plays and such by people who are onstage acting.
so it holds up for when you sweat.
its a great liquid eyeliner.
dont think it actually had a name, but it stays on fairly well if you dont mess with your eyes. (Ii.e.- rub them)
or avon has a cream ayaliener that you have to use a brush to put on. it comes in a little jar.
i used that once and it worked well.
ive had the same problem you do, because i have oily skin.
but permanent marker is a bad idea.
2007-12-24 09:09:06
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
To keep your eyeliner from "Drooping" first apply a Pencil liner (MaxFactor Works wonders) and on top of it apply a liquid liner. That's what I do and I work in a factory (it gets real hot in there). Don't tatoo your eye liner on either. Styles change everyday and if you tatoo liner on you wont be able to do anything else with it. Or you could wear water proof eye-liner.
2007-12-24 09:08:27
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I don't think you are supposed to put a permanent marker that close to your eye.. It could hurt your vision.
2007-12-24 09:00:36
answer #4
answered by Kristine Fernandez 6
For the best answers, search on this site https://shorturl.im/avZdm
try eyeliner, oh oh or maybe dry erase marker would work real well
2016-04-09 21:17:10
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
the fumes and stuff will damage your eyesight and stuff
and try using liquid eyeliner?
and don't let it contact water ahah that might be the cause of your "droopiness" ahah
2007-12-24 09:12:05
answer #6
answered by ahhitsjenny 2
Most definitely
2007-12-24 09:17:18
answer #7
answered by Dana M. 3
more than likely!
just keep spare eyeliner with you and touch up during the day...
or they tattoo make up on.
2007-12-24 09:02:01
answer #8
answered by napoleanchik9 3
PLEASE STOP using permanent marker on your eyes! its very dangerous. Just use liquid eyeliner. it won't smudge.
2007-12-24 09:20:48
answer #9
answered by jane j 3
lol permanent marker.
yess thats bad.
idk i think smidged eye liner looks kooler.
&& watever you do DONT get it tattooed on.i swear it will be a huge mistake.
2007-12-24 09:03:50
answer #10
answered by S. 2