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4 answers

You can die any of the following ways:
- starvation
- fire
- drowning
- being scared to death
- old age
- satellite falls on you
- electrocution
- disease
- flies eat you

Each type of death will result in a ghost of a different color (death by fire is a red ghost; death by old age is a white ghost, etc.).

2007-12-24 01:06:19 · answer #1 · answered by xK 7 · 2 0

There are many ways to death in The Sims 2. If they live a good life, they can die of age. If they are unhappy, they can die because of that. You can make them unhappy by not letting them fill their needs. Your sims can also drown in the swimming pool if you remove the ladders, and they can be caught in a fire. Might be more, but this is all I can come up with right now.

2007-12-24 08:52:46 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

put them in a room without a door so they cant get any food or anything and they will die soon or a later

2007-12-24 08:56:47 · answer #3 · answered by blue03neon 5 · 0 0

Yeah. They can die if they have fires in their kitchen and also was affected.

2007-12-24 08:56:35 · answer #4 · answered by zhuge_liang 4 · 0 0

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