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Now that Dallas is out of the picture I wonder how it will be arranged that Green Bay defeats New England in the Super Bowl.

2007-12-22 23:08:27 · 12 answers · asked by canucklehead1951 4 in Sports Football (American)

12 answers

Your question is nonsensical...not worthy of a real response...

2007-12-23 01:48:59 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Well there is a lot of football to be played yet buddy so just sit tight and watch. I like Favres' chances but Dallas isnt out of the picture yet. Remember Terry Glenn?? I think he will be able to go in the playoffs if Dallas needs him. He is no slouch, maybe not a T.O. but remember thet he was Drew Bledsoes favorite guy in New England for a good reason.(wow he is gettin old!! LOL) I still think that the team to beat in the Superbowl will be the team that wins the AFC. I like Favre but I am hoping for the Patriots to be that AFC team! I just dont think that the Pack has enuff talent to beat the COLTS or the PATS but there is a reason you play the game and we shall see. If any of these teams lose a QB to injury and there season is done. I dont think the league has another back up QB the likes of Tom Brady in the wings. But then I could be wrong on that too !!
SO i guess I am not ruling out the Cowboys just yet. And I cant say for sure that the NFL is setting things up for Favre but there may be a referee with some money on the game so I guess you never know.
I live in Michigan and I think it was three seasons ago that Marcus Pollard caught a pass in the endzone but his knee was like barely touching the out of bounds line ,,they reviewed the play thoroughly and overturned the call even though there was not enuff evidence to do so the play was SO close. But then early the next season the Steelers Heath Miller caught a pass and had a long run to the EndZone he was tackled OBVIOUSLY a full yard short of the endzone and they called a TD after review the play stands as called.
So in my opinion yes there are obviously favorites and the Lions are are at the BOTTOM of that food chain!!!

2007-12-23 07:31:27 · answer #2 · answered by buzzard b8 3 · 1 0

The Patriots will not allow Farve to get the ring. Bill Belichick is not that sentimental to come this far to say, OK Bret, you win. There is vengeance towards the NFL. That game if it is GB, will be over in the 3rd quarter. 4th quarter is cruising speed.

2007-12-23 08:43:56 · answer #3 · answered by Tinman12 6 · 0 0

Favre already has a ring (They beat the Pats) and if he does win hell pull an Alonzo Morning or Frank Thomas and play a few years past getting his long awaited ring, because hes one of those guys who just loves playing and will play until they wont let him.

2007-12-23 08:53:07 · answer #4 · answered by Joey 2 · 0 0

Dallas still leads Green Bay, why do assume otherwise? No, he just has a better team around him now than in the last few years.

2007-12-23 07:35:25 · answer #5 · answered by X-factor 4 · 1 0

It is show business and so I just want a good show. I want some good entertainment. Old time smack mouth defensive, low scoring rules just don't interest ordinary fans. The like the long ball and superstars, whether they really are or not. Mohammed taught the all who to do the hype stuff a long time ago. That is how you get top dollar. Audience appeal is the name of the game. That gets high ratings and high ad rates and that is the bottomline. This is a profit making industry.

2007-12-23 07:16:19 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Doubtful...and if you were watching the Cowboy/Panther game last night you would have seen that the NFL is going out of their way to make sure the Cowboys get to the SB. My god...worst officiating I have seen in a year of terrible officiating.

2007-12-23 07:32:50 · answer #7 · answered by Fantasy Sports Icon 6 · 1 0

You haven't been watching. The Cowboys and Pats* have been getting refs calls to help them win games they should have lost - including last night. They seem determined NOT to let Green Bay have home field advantage. Too small a market I guess.

2007-12-23 08:00:54 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

NO----You shouldn't stay up all night . Now go to bed or you'll miss the Packer--Bear game . If you really believe that the game of football is fixed why are you in this category .

2007-12-23 07:30:59 · answer #9 · answered by RWB4646 6 · 1 0

Uh...Brett already has a Super Bowl ring...('97)

2007-12-23 07:16:35 · answer #10 · answered by Terry C. 7 · 2 0