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I'm taking 6 hrs. next semester in college, & I'm also planning to work a part-time job on campus. With my disability, 6 hrs. alone is stressful for me, but I NEED a job. I wonder how people can go to school full-time & work full-time & have kids? & make 4.0 GPA's? I can barely make a 2.0 with 6 hrs. because of my disability.

***I already have my college degree in Spanish, but my GPA sucks & I can't find a decent job. Now, I'm desperate for ANYTHING. If I were to work @ WalMart or Kroger temporarily, would that make me a loser?

2007-12-22 22:35:43 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Education & Reference Higher Education (University +)

4 answers

I have three young daughters. I work thirty hours a week during the day, and 2 nights a week I attend college for 6 hours. My GPA is currently a 4.0, but with the stress of the holidays I'm sure this will not be the case forever. I don't have a physical disability however, my 11 year old daughter has juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. So, in many ways I can relate because I feel my daughters pain very deeply. Many of our family activities get hindered by her disability but, we never give up. School is very hard to keep up with. It is not just the 6 hours of class time, but the extra 20 hours of homework, tests, and projects that is challenging. But, I say go for it. The end result of finishing college will be all worth it. You should research careers that fit with your disability and find one that you could enjoy. Then get your education. Have faith in yourself, but also, set up a support system of friends and family just in case you need some help. I always tell my daughter that it is o.k. to need help, it is giving up or not trying that makes you lose out in life. "So what" if you don't have a perfect GPA or it takes you longer to complete your goals. It's your GPA and your goals. Don't compare yourself to others. Everybody is different and successful in their own way.

2007-12-22 23:09:35 · answer #1 · answered by tigershell34me 2 · 2 0

For some it is easy, others hard. The main reason for that is, that some people seem to be able to breeze through school work without as much as cracking a book, while others spend endless hours studying and still are struggling to understand the material.

2007-12-22 22:40:11 · answer #2 · answered by WC 7 · 2 0

If it's an on-campus job then it's much easier as you're physically already there. It's problematic when you have to drive clear across town in traffic, find parking , etc, at both places, and your home isn't nearby either of the two places.

2007-12-23 00:32:50 · answer #3 · answered by iSpeakTheTruth 7 · 3 0

No it would not make you a loser and it depends on what your major is and on your abilities.

Do you have a nice body ? you could make a lot of quick bucks stripping.

2007-12-22 22:44:00 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2