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it seems my mobo has no connection for SATA, the stuff was bought five years ago, P4S8X.
and i had this hard drive which i want to recover which is (unfortunately in my system's case) SATA.
IDE is the master. please help me.

2007-12-22 22:15:52 · 4 answers · asked by jonesdollesin 1 in Computers & Internet Hardware Other - Hardware

4 answers

Theres a little jumper located on the back of the hard drive, you need to move it over to the correct slot so the computer will read it as the slave and not the master.

2007-12-22 22:19:15 · answer #1 · answered by Jon 4 · 0 2

You have two choices, get an SATA controller card, or a SATA to IDE adapter.

SATA controller
PCI-e Raid Controller Card, Sata 3.0gbps & Ata133
Price: $19.95
"Utilizing high-speed PCI Express throughput, this drive controller card can manage both old school ATA/ATAPI (IDE) and newer SATA (Serial ATA) hard drives. It can even provide RAID 0, 1 or JBOD options to your SATA drives. The single-lane (x1) PCI Express slot provides up to 2.5Gbps data transfer speeds between the computer and the drives. Includes IDE ribbon cable, SATA data cable and software on a MiniCD."

Sata Drive To IDE Controller Adapter
Price: $39.97
"This adapter lets you connect a SATA hard drive to a standard ATA/ATAPI (IDE) controller card. It a great way to transition from your current IDE-equipped PC to a SATA-equipped PC in the future. Includes an 18" SATA data cable and a 4-pin Molex to SATA power adapter. Note: This adapter is limited by the IDE controller and will not provide full SATA access speeds."

2007-12-22 23:16:24 · answer #2 · answered by ? 7 · 0 0

TO install the sata card (SATA Expantion card )to connect the hard disk to motherboard .
sata can't select slave or master and it not conflict with PATA.

there are two sata ports one port is the master and other is slave.
and there are sata 4 conncetors ,1 M, 1 Sl ,2M ,and 2 sl.

select boot device ib boot menu and set sata cofigurations press TAB key when boot.

2007-12-22 23:03:52 · answer #3 · answered by nilan 5 · 0 1


2007-12-22 22:21:08 · answer #4 · answered by bsmith13421 6 · 0 0